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Warning About JVC Camcorders

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Jan 29, 2004, 8:53:20 PM1/29/04
Just look at the long list of posts that I've pasted in below about JVC
camcorders biting the dust, sometimes after just a few months of use. My
JVC GR-D30U lasted about six months when it suddenly gave the error: E04
Unit in safeguard mode. Eject and reinsert tape. The problem is, it won't
load a tape! It will only draw an empty cassette holder into the camera
body. If there is a tape in the holder, it just makes a whirring noise for
a couple of seconds and then just sits there.

I'm buying the new Canon ZR90 when it becomes available in about a month.
Until then, no video of all the things I had planned on taping in February.
Any ideas on uses for a dead JVC Mini-DV camcorder? It can't be used as a
Webcam because there is no way to disable the five minute auto shutdown
"feature." It's about the right size for a doorstop, but too small for a
boat anchor.

I've bought JVC products for many years and they have always been of very
good quality. I wonder if it is just their camcorders or if they are
slipping in general.

Take One

JVC camcorder problem : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread Moderator:


Hi, I have a JVC compact camcorder that is giving me problems. I keep
getting a "battery in safeguard mode" come up on the display/viewfinder. I
can't record or do anything after that message appears.I also get a D (or E)
o6 error along with that. Can someone please help, is it a faulty part that
I can replace? Thanks

-- tony wayne regan (, July 09, 2002
Hi I have the same problem. Did you find an answer to the problem? Thanks

-- Alexander (, September 19, 2002.


I also have the same problem. Any answers would be appreciated.

-- Steve (, October 15, 2002.


I have the same problem, the camcorder is not mine, but my uncle's he has
the model# GR-DVL910A, means the is the mode made for Asian market. Since
he's traveling in US, the Error code E03 has been come up more and more,
finally it won't allow you to do anything anymore.
pleae help if someone knows what is the problem is.

Best Sean

-- Sean H. Zhang (, November 11, 2002.


hi, i also have the same problem, the model number on mine is GR- AXM230U.
if anyone can help, thanks alot.

-- alexander sandy (, December 08, 2002.


I have the same problem with my JVC GR-DVL915U, except the code is E04. It
happened 3 months after I purhcased the camera and after the labor warranty
expired. I've to pay the JVC service center $100 to get it fix. I was told
this problem is uncommon and it can happen if you dropped the camcorder or
shake it vigorously. But I didn't drop it nor shake it!! I think it's their
design problem.
Now after a little more than a year after it's been fixed, the problem
re-appeared again. And this time I'm afraid I probably have to pay about
$200 to get it fixed (part + labor) :-( I'll probably buy another camcorder
(definitely not JVC) instead of fixing it.

-- (, December 16, 2002.


Just a follow-up, I've been reading another forum and there's a guy who
recommended tapping on the side of the camcorder -- I tried it and it worked
like a charm. Got my camcorder working again!!

-- (, December 17, 2002.


I have a GR-DVX9E and have the same and other problems. I also get all the
time a message "use head cleaning device". Using a cleaning tape does not
help. The JVC unit does not have a very good quality, I think. Can anybody

-- Klaus Madlener (, January 02, 2003.


I too have the same problem and at great expense was told that i was using
the wrong tapes (poor quality tdk!) It is a design fault and I suggest we
all send this site to JVC. I certanly will.

-- Paul Shepherd (, January 20, 2003.


Hi I have a JVC gr dvx 10 for 2 years now. A year ago the problem battery
in safeguard mode started to come up. When I removed the battery the camare
started to work again. But after a while it did not work at all anymore.
After consulting jvc I tried the cleaning tape. this helpen for a while
(only few minutes recording, less than one tape!) Then I contacted JVC again
and they told me that there was a problem when you use other brand tapes
than jvc. So the cleaned and fixed the problem, cost 127 euro but did not
need to pay although warranty periode was expired. Now less then a year
leater the problem is there again. It does not work anymore. I found on the
internet a consumer program here in Holland ( only Dutch!)
they found out the same problem and asked jvc to do something about it in
september 2002. JVC responded that they will solve the problems without cost
for the users. I must say that their customer service is very good, but the
product is lousy. Herrald Meijers

-- Herrald Meijers (, February 01, 2003.


I have a GR-DVM90, which I bought in a drunken haze on bourbon Street in
New Orleans last year during Mardi Gras, needless to say I spent way too
much for it and I'm not really sure if it's "Hot" or on the level. At any
rate, this past september, I got the good old E 01 error message which I
have become quite familiar. This time, however, it would not clear or go
away. I have been dreading sending the thing to the nearest JVC Service
Center, in Philly, because they want $75 just to look at the damn thing. I
put it off till now, since I need to use it soon. I did a search on the
internet and came u with these message boards. One of the messages said to
tap the camera on teh side where the tape goes in. They said it worked. I
thought it was BS. Then I did it. I tapped, and the damn thing came to life.
I about fell on the floor. Go figure. I hear tell it starts with using the
cheaper DV tapes, like TDK. I don't know for sure about that, but I think
I'll go out and buy some good old fashioned expensive JVC tapes. I figure
I've got about three hundred bucks till I run out what I would have spent
sending it to the service center...... P.S. dont' buy anything from those
hack shops in New Orleans Ever again. Stay in the bar next time.....

-- Jeffrey S. Wettig (, February 14, 2003.


I have a jvc dvm 90 and have the same problem. I had discovered that by
tapping the thing on the die it would work. Now even that doesn't help. Stay
away from JVC. Can anyone suggest a good place to get it repaired and an
esstimate on what it should cost?

-- Kevin Lenius (, February 18, 2003.


Unfortunately, I'm one of the suckers who bought JVC GR-DVL300 and since
then have been fighting "battery in safeguard mode" error. At times, tapping
on the side of the camcorder has helped. Lately, I'm starting to get
"copying error" when attempting to record and during playback mode, most of
the screen is in red color. Turning off, removing tape, removing battery,
etc... has not helped. On top of it, fully charged battery now only lasts 10
minutes when recording or playback and 2 minutes when light is turned on.

Obviously, I'll never, ever buy or recommned to anyone any JVC equipment.
Anyone interested in launching a class action suit against JVC, please
contact me.

Regards, Gurinder.

-- Gurinder S. Johar (, February 20, 2003.


Sorry no answers, just another customer with the same problem. My JVC
model number is GR-SXM735, and I've been getting the "unit in safeguard
mode- remove and reattach battery", "E03" message for some time, and have
noticed that the battery does not last as long. I have had the camcorder for
less than a year, and I've never dropped it. can anyone recommend a brand
whose products last? thanx. Meanwhile I'll try the tapping thing.

-- Jessica (, March 07, 2003.


I havn't had the battery problem yet... But I do have the problem with the
"clean head" message... bad tapes, I only use JVC now. Another problem I am
having is that my LCD screen hardly ever works when I open it. I usually
have to end up using the viewscreen instead. Anyone else have this problem?

-- Hipster Doofus (, March 14, 2003.


Please, I use to have all the problems and signal that (tony wayne )
complained about, that never stoped me from useing my Compact camcorder.
Untill last two weeks when the camera refused to POWER now I cann't use it
again. I don't know if that is the end of this beautiful product since there
seems to be no service center in Nigeria. Please if ther any kindly help me
out. This camera was giving to me by my Auntie (Theresa M. Edu "phone 732
951 6123,609 275 5415) As a wedding Present. So you see how precious it is
to me. The model No; GR-AXM230U,Serial No 175B6377. Please I'm looking
forward to hearing from you soonest.

-- Enock Adolprince Ebonghor (, March 15, 2003.


I've had the same problem with my JVC unit, only the thing will eat my
miniDV tape after I get this code! I've had two tapes destroyed in the last
few months.
I contacted JVC and this is the response I got:

"We are sorry to hear about the problem you are having with your camera.
We are aware that the indication E-01, E-02, E-05, or E-06 is an Emergency
Error Code. In the event of a malfunction the unit will shut down and
display a code which is to inform a technician which area of the camcorder
to examine in order to ascertain the nature of the problem. Please try the
following steps:

1) Remove power source for 1 minute. 2) Reattach power source. 3) Try
operating the camera.

The indication E-03 or E-04 is an Emergency Error Code. In the event of a
malfunction the unit will shut down and display a code. This is to inform an
independent JVC authorized service center which area of the camcorder to
examine in order to ascertain the nature of the problem.

The E-03 or E-04 code relates to one of the tape spindles not turning.
This could be the result of too much slack on the video tape. If E-03or E-
04 is displayed it may be possible to correct the problem by removing the
tape slack. In order to do this follow these steps:

1) Remove power source for 1 minute. 2) Reattach power source. 3) Press
"EJECT" (DO NOT PRESS POWER) 4) Repeat above steps until tape ejects. 5)
Tighten and insert a new tape."

When I asked JVC to repair or replace my camcorder, they declined to do so
because it is no longer under warranty (I've had it for 18 months). So,
basically, THEY KNOW THEIR PRODUCT IS DEFECTIVE, but they won't do anything
about it. Amazing. I will never buy another JVC product again.


-- Brian Casey (, March 17, 2003.


Sorry no answers!
Just to report I've the same problem on my GR-DVM90 (error message: E04
and disconnect battery). But after changing the tape the problem went away,
until now... (I didn't use the camera time enough to be shore if the problem
was on the tape).

Thanks. Paulo

-- paulo daniel mendes (, March 18, 2003.


same prob, although mine is under warranty..........wankers

-- steve - (remove shoes to reply) (, March 21,


no answer Having the same problems with our GR=DVL805. I am so tired of
picking up the cam corder to get something fast and getting the battery in
safe guard mode. So much for getting those cute moments on tape. You can't
tell those kids or humming birds wait a few minutes while I take my battery
off the camera and hope it will work when I put it back on. We get all of
the ugly E=codes. I call this JVC my $1,000 mistake. NEVER AGAIN WILL I BUY
JVC!!! And from reading all of the other messages JVC will NOT stand behind
its product. I will have my piece of trouble for three years in July. And it
only worked well the first year. However I will try the tapping thing now
that I have heard about it. But sounds like the cam corder will be in the
junk pile pretty soon. Sorry for all of us. Any one with a better answer
please reply. WE should all go with the fellow above who wants to do a class
action against JVC. Put me down.

-- nancy weber (, March 23, 2003.


Same thing!!! Safe Guard problem And It costed me $1000.00 too. So get the
word out JVC is CHEAP. I will Never buy another JVC product and will always
remind all my friends and family about my problems With TWO of there
camers!! And all the poeople i interact with. They say bad nnews travels 10
times faster than good news. maybe one day when there sales are down they
will look upon sites like these and try to figure it out??? Poor customer
service cheap products arrigant JVC repair centers!

-- Jose (, March 24, 2003.


I don;t think this is a very robust camera for it's price. I am having all
the problems as mentioned above. However, like me you've spend a ton of
money on it so as an engineering geek I have some recommendations that may
help. This is a VERY, VERY, VERY, overly sensitive piece of equipment
therefore TREAT IT WITH KIT GLOVES! Especially when loading/unloading tapes.
The E-errors are in response to mechanical errors in the tape carrier and
drive mechanisms. Also the heads are extremely delicate and will not operate
well for very long in anything but perfect conditions, therefore:
-only, only, only use the more expensive JVC tapes. They keep their
tension far better than cheaper brands. Also, they won't rub off their oxide
coatings on the heads as easily, avoiding the 'clogging' of the heads (which
thereby requires constant cleaning-further damaging the heads).

-when and if you do get E- errors do a complete rewind or fast forward to
the end of the tape in order to pull out tape slack. Then remove battery and
tape for a while. If still screwed, then yes, sharply tap (not hard!) on the
closed tape door. That may reposition those tiny switches that I mentioned
earlier and get you going again.

-NEVER, EVER, EVER, leave tapes in the machine when not in
creates problems for the heads and the mechanisms.

-Don't leave the battery on the camera when not in use for extended
periods of time. It can create problems with respect to resetting the
computer controlled logic.

-there are little switches and interlocks that provide electrical feedback
about the mechanical status of things to the main processor of the camera
(ie. tape/no tape in camera, door open/closed etc). Over time, the mechanics
get out of adjustment because of usage, humidity and certainly rough
handling. So: treat the mechanisms very, very, very delicately. Don't
use/store the camera in humid conditions, hot conditions or very cold
conditions. Certainly don't leave it in your car---ever!

-get the camera "cleaned and ajusted" regularly to avoid these problems.
(I know...more $$$$)

-I keep bags of dessicant in an insulated camera bag with the camera to
maintain dryness and optimal temperatures during storage.

Finally, next time buy a Sony, Cannon or Panasonic. They all build better

Hope this helps.

-- Joe Blow (, March 25, 2003.


No answer here, just adding my name to the list. My JVC GR-DVM90U gets the
"E04 BATTERY IN SAFEGUARD MODE" regularly. I usually turn it off, reinsert
the battery and sometimes that fixes the problem. I have to do it a few
times usually before the error goes away. Mine also developed the problem
after warranty period expired. Today, something new: I noticed the
multimedia memory stick was not pushed in the whole way, and when I pushed
it in all the way the problem went away. Let me know about the class action
suit... :)

-- Juan Carrera (, March 29, 2003.


Adding to the fray just in case there is a class action suit. I have a
GR-DVL805 with the dreaded E codes and clean heads messages. Headed to
Hawaii for my 20th anniversary in mid April and I won't even bother bringing
this POS. I will either buy or borrow one for this trip. What a waste. JVC
audio is so good and this is so bad.

-- Bill Brosius (, March 30, 2003.


I bought a JVC gr-dvm90 about 16 months ago. I keep getting messages to
clean my heads. Well after doing this 4 times with a cleaning tape, I
understood this was not going to work. I know I will have to have it sent
off, so they can work on it. The funny thing is since I've owned this thing
I've only used it about 5 times. Thats about $300 per use and know its going
to cost more. I love you JVC.

-- Dan Schlyer (, March 30, 2003.


No this problem seems to be common obviously. I have already sent my JVC
back to get fixed 2 times due to this E04 Error, It just started up again
after using it only 2 times since it was out of the shop..which took 7
weeks! I am beyond frustrated!

-- AC (, March 30, 2003.


No answer! Like all of you I am included in this problem. I have a
GR-0AXM225U, that has been in "safe mode" since September of last year. My
camcorder won't allow me to do anything, not even eject the tape, which is
my main concern at the moment. My friend died in February of this year,I
have some footage of her that I shot last year, and I would like to share it
with her family. I can always buy another camcorder, but that tape is
priceless!! Please help!!! -Shayla C.

-- Shayla C. (, March 30, 2003.


I have the same problem... never again JVC.

-- LL (, April 01, 2003.


I own a GR-DVL505 and I too have been getting the "battery in safeguard
mode" error for about two months now. At first it happened every now and
then. Now it happens with every tape. Has anyone actually has JVC fix the

-- Randy Godwin (, April 02, 2003.


Unfortunately not an answer, but an additional problem. I have the JVC
GR-D21EK and have had nothing but problems with it from the beginning (only
about 1 month ago). I am using high quality JVC tapes but still the camera
displays e06!!! Safeguard - very safe. I would love to join in teh the group
suit. I have wasted my money on an inferior product.

-- Andy Ferris (, April 02, 2003.


Well, I called JVC about my problem (see previous post). Since my GR-
DVL505 is only 15 months old, the rep. said that I should send my unit in
with a letter explaining the situation and request a extension of my parts
warranty. She also said that Sony tapes have some kind of lubricant that
adversly affects their camcorders. She recommended the use of JVC,
Panasonic, and Fuji tapes. She also mentioned that of the problems with
their camcorders, these are somewhat commom. So, whatever is happening is
happening a lot. I live about an hour from a service center so I'll be
taking my personally next Monday (Apr.7). We;ll see what happens. -Randy

-- Randy Godwin (, April 03, 2003.


I also have a JVC GR-DVX8, I have used it 3 times. I walked up a mountain
slope whilst on holiday, and by the time I walked down again it was
displaying the E04 message. I now have the most expensive web-cam going. I
WILL NEVER BUY JVC AGAIN. If they can't make a decent product, then they
should not be able to continue trading.

-- Rudi Bellows (, April 04, 2003.


Hi! Is anyone having problems with their JVC camcorder with digital still
camera? I have a JVC GR-DVL520 bought in November 2002. About 2 mos ago the
LCD begun to display "PLEASE INSERT CARD" whenever I use the still camera
function. I have to turn the thing off and on and open the memory slot just
to have it working properly. I am afraid that this trick might not work for
a long time. I love the still camera function and would hate not to use it
ever again. Can someone please share his or her thoughts on this? Thanks!

-- Kevin Estabillo (, April 04, 2003.


I also am a VERY unhappy JVC client. Same E04 problems with my GR-DVX 10
about a week after the 1 year guarantee. However, JVC did fix it for free,
but now a year later (after hardly using the camera) the same problem has
started again, and now also at times the tape will not always eject and
recording is also bad at times(jittery picture). I also will NEVER buy JVC
again! A class action suit would be best. Please keep me posted!

-- Bobby (, April 05, 2003.


Hi, I'm 15 and about a year ago I got a JVC GR-DVL520 from Sears. And
about a month ago I tried to put a tape in and it said "Safeguard". It did
that a couple times untill it stopoed working completely. I've also
misplaced my owners manual. All I have is French and Spanish, no English!
Could someone please e-mail me how to fix it, or where to get an owners
manual? Thanks. Forrest G.

-- Forrest G. Nameniuk (, April 06, 2003.


Sorry, yet another problem with no solution. My GR-DVP3U just started
reporting E-03 and E-06 errors. However, I can't try any of the reported
'quick-fixes' as I can't even get the tape out! I can hear the gears
turning, but nothing happens. I can't play, fast forward, rewind, or eject.
This is really frustrating, as my son's first birthday is coming up in just
a few weeks! I'm overseas (Europe), so I can't find a decent answer for the
repairs, or even somebody willing to work on it. I also can't find a JVC
phone number anywhere, and their Customer Service webform tells me not to
expect an answer for five days. I'm about ready to eat another grand and buy
a competitor's product, and smash this thing up to retrieve my tape (which
has video of my son and his first steps!). Thanks for listening to my
ranting, and any solutions/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

-- Frank (, April 07, 2003.


Believe it or not, problem solved! My wife found a service center an hour
and a half away that was willing to look at it, and it was fixed in less
than five minutes!! Something about a drive lock or something engaged.
Apparently, he took the camera from my wife, looked at the error message,
shrugged his shoulders, stuck a small screwdriver in the tape bay, hit a
button, and handed it back. What a frustrating mess over the last week or so
only to be solved by the push of a button. Nice to know JVC publishes these
nice little fixes. BTW, I've yet to hear back from a JVC rep from the
webform I filled out yesterday...

-- Frank (, April 08, 2003.


Frank, where is this shop? I have the DVM90 and have all the same problems
that everyone else is having. The E04, and then into the safegard
mode-remove the battery. I ejected the flash card a few times and put it
back in. I also tapped (or wacked somewhat gently) on both sides and I did
get it up and running. How long this will last...who knows. We are all in
the same boat with poor customer service and a sub standard product. If I
was a lawyer, I'd start the suit. Other than that, JVC will not be part of
my audio/video collection in the future. As we all know, this has been a
very expensive lesson! Good luck to all.

-- neil buchelt (, April 09, 2003.


Hey Neil. I can give you directions, but unless you're in Europe they may
not do much good. My wife is actually the one who took it in, so I'll
describe the fix best I can. My DVP3 wouldn't play, record, fast forward,
rewind, or eject. I tried all the other fixes of tapping the sides, etc with
no luck. When I popped the cover, we could see several gears turning but the
tape wouldn't come out. It was described to us as a 'drive lock' of sorts by
the tech. There was a small metal plate just above the gears on the left
side that he tapped with a screw driver and the camera became completely
functional again. Not sure how that can translate to your DVM90, but good
luck. I did get a response today from JVC which was completely unhelpful.
They obviously didn't read my problem and just attached a form response.
Example: they told me to eject the tape after I clearly stated the tape
wouldn't come out.

-- Frank (, April 10, 2003.


I have Thomson VMD120 and it says: Unit in safeguard mode, remove and
reattach battery. So JVC is not only one which sucks=)

-- reija (, April 11, 2003.


E04 Safeguard mode RCA Model CC6364 made By JVC for RCA it maybe simular
to the JVC models posted here. Had a customer bring this model to me with
this symptom/Error code and had a tape stuck in it. I came here to find some
answers, but turns out I found the problem, and hope this may help some of
you. I took some pictures and put a little explaining of what I found and
fixed it, put them on my website, hope this helps. john

-- john (, April 14, 2003.


I have the same E04 error with JVC GR-DVX90A. I thought I'm the only
one... I also bought the JVC camcorder based on a good experience
(reliability) with a JVC VCR. Indeed it is very frustrated. I will try the

-- RonR (, April 15, 2003.


I have a JVC DVX7 which also exhibits the E04 and the lack of side LCD
panel function. I found that a few good knocks on the side generally solved
the E04 as well as FF the tape and rewind, but still no luck with the LCD
(the eye view does still work though) - any ideas on the LCD panel? The
service here in the UK sucks - they don't seem to be able to help on the
phone and they are not prepared to even look at it for anything less than
£100 - I'll NEVER buy another JVC anything!

-- Andrew Cotterell (, April 17, 2003.


I was having an error E04 for weeks, and I read one of the readers said to
tap on the side and I did, it started working immediately.

-- Cynthia Madison (, April 18, 2003.


Well I'm in the list of SUCKERS here. $350.00 later (bought from
"liquidation") which should of made me aware then. But, I didn't notice
anything right away. Then the error shit started coming up, and oh boy, I
had a smile on my face. WHHHHHHHHAT A POS...go JVC go. Listen, to anyone
buying a Camcorder, buy a fucking Sony and spend the extra cash. JVC can
lick the underside of my balls.
-muskamike , a satisfied Louisville Slugger buyer.

-- muskamike (, April 19, 2003.


i am in the same situation as muska mike. Apparently JVC is a joke, i wish
i would have read this group before buying a brand new camera with a
malfunction error EO3. I'm waiting for parts and i'm really really really
really really really hoping it's not going to cost $1,000 because if it
does, you all can look on Ebay for a really cheap paperweight.
I bought a GR-DVL-725u in case you want to know. And it's already in the
repair shop, only 3 weeks old. Hooray!

It's really sad that JVC says to buy the more expensive tapes, because
their camcorders are picky, i have a better idea, How about they just make
better cameras?? How in the hell can they sell these cameras to unknowing
consumers! this is a crime.

See you all later, i'm going to buy a sony.

-- the outsider (, April 20, 2003.


I go the same error unit in safeguard mode error 03 It drove me crazy. But
one of the guys in this page said to tap on the door side and the thing
start working like a rock.
It worked for me; it may or may not work your you.

Give it a try !!!

-- Raskhan Kaderi (, April 21, 2003.


Just got off the phone with the service center in Aurora, IL. The
technician there told me E04 problem is a sign of video head problems. It
could be dirty or damaged. I have been recieving the EO4 error code on and
off and now it is becoming more frequent. I also get the "dirty heads-needs
cleaning" issue flashing in the display. The tecnician told me they recently
discovered that using Sony DV tapes causes this problem as they put a
lubricant on the tapes which causes the JVC camera heads to get dirty.
Approximately a $200.00 repair if I have to take it in. I've also had
problems with the tapes loading correctly or not loading and "hanging up" in
the carriage. I don't think I'll buy another JVC video camera again at least
not a DV. I have VHS-C and it's worked great but nothing but problems with
this one...not to mention the fact that it locks up when taking it from one
extreme (airconditioned envirnment to a humid on a tropical
vacation...this is due to some moisture sensing technology they have built
in that detects moisture on the heads?). Whatever! If you miss those
beautiful scenes during your vacation whats the point...

-- ken h. (, April 22, 2003.


Count me in too, Got same E04 error and tape head cleaning issues...

Only put about 6 tapes through it.... bad image quality after a while...
goes all dark...


-- Andy (, April 25, 2003.


Apparently I am another member of the JVC (junk very crappy) suckers club.
I have a DVM80U that constantly flashes the head cleaning message. Inserting
the head cleaning tape only helps for a few minutes. To make matters worse,
my family just got back from a five day family reunion only to find that the
stupid camera didn't even record our trip. What a piece of crap!! JVC has
lost me, my family and potentially generations of future buyers. I kick
myself because I almost bought a Sony, but it was about 200 bucks more than
the JVC, so I bought the JVC instead. NEVER AGAIN!!

-- Brian Carty (, April 25, 2003.


And the list goes on...
Just picked up my JVC DV camcorder after not using it for a few weeks,
turned it on and got an E01 error message. It's a GR-DVL 160 model. I've
tried removing and replacing the battery as it advises, tapping on the side,
looking for some way of removing the tape without damaging it - nothing.

I found this thread and optimistically thought someone had posted a
solution - now I realise it's just a piece of sh*t.

-- Richard (, April 25, 2003.


I tapped on my camera and it was working for a little bit. But, I'm here

-- cynthia madison (, April 25, 2003.


I've just had a E01 problem, I don't know what to do. Is it a problem of
tape? Please tell me.

-- Andrea (, May 02, 2003.


Bought a new battery for the GR-DVM90, charged it up and it lasted less
than five minutes...about a minute longer than the JVC original.... Does
anyone know if you can 'reset' the battery?
I sometimes get the camera in safe mode message,'s very
temporamental. I won't buy a JVC ... or a Sanyo camera again.

-- Brian (, May 03, 2003.


Hi - Have JVC compact camcorder that is just three months old and having
the same problem....of course three month warranty just expired. Never will
buy JVC again.

-- Liz (, May 05, 2003.


Got this from Lanzarote, where all electrical goods are cheap (BS),
mistake number one! Keeping it - mistake number 2! I can add to the list of
complaints and I certainly won't be buying anything JVC ever again. My
GR-DVX44E has just started showing 'E02 unit in safeguard mode' I'm
obviously one of the lucky ones as it has lasted a whole 18 months before
cocking up. I'm going back to Lanzarote in a month, so I think I'll throw it
through the window of the shop, does that justify a tap on the side? Who
cares, it'll make me feel a whole lot better!

-- Tanya Megaump (, May 06, 2003.


I have a jvc hunk of crap gr-sxm240u with the e01 error and nothing I do
will fix it. I am acutally going to take it apart tonight and see how it
ticks. Guess I can't hurt it none since it doesn't work anyway. I can't even
get the tape to eject. Play time with the tools.

-- glen smalley (, May 06, 2003.


Add me to list. I have the same error with my DVM-90. It was driving me
crazy with the error and safe mode. I thought it was the battery but later
found out that it was the tape. Removing the tape and reinserting it would
usually solve the problem. I found out from reading here that I should be
using a JVC tape.
I was really amazed that so many people had the same problems with their
JVC camcorder. I know that I will not be buying JVC again.

If you need a manual, do a search on GOOGLE and use the model # and
"instructions". I found a manual for the DVM-90. Also, I just had to order
another battery for my camcorder. I found the battery barn
( to have good prices.

JVC, shame on you for having a known problem and not correcting it.

Good Luck to everyone!

-- Roy Welch (, May 06, 2003.


I have the same E04 error message. It started happening right when the
camera was 1 year old. Strange thing is that this problem always starts when
we have a kid's birthday or special occasion coming up- how does it know???

-- sheila pasma (, May 08, 2003.


Add my name to the list of frustrated JVC owners. I have a JVC GR- DVF21u
and the E03 message pops up after about 5 seconds of use.
Note that the door tapping trick does not work forever. After about 6
times, it failed to work.

I have tried various tapes and the problem appears right away - even with
new tapes.

Too many special family moments have been lost.

-- Mike (, May 11, 2003.


I have a JVC GR-DVM90u and are also experiencing this E04 errors. I have
tried almost everything from tapping, rebooting, taking out the battery for
a day etc.
Apparently, after some use, the drum assembly connection (I think) to the
pc board comes loose and this causes the error. That is why tapping the
camera usually restores life because the connection is restored. The
solution is to re-solder the connections on the pc board.

For those who are adventurous can send me a donation and I will send you
the schematics of the camera in .pdf format (very detailed service manual
from JVC) Ian

-- Ian Louw (, May 12, 2003.


Hi, I have a JVC GR-DVM90 and here is a great solution on fixing those
problem codes that appear after you try to record or playback a tape.Go down
to your local drug store and buy some rubbing alcohol and que tips.Turn your
JVC camcorder on and hit the eject button. Now while its in eject mode and
the tape is removed,remove the battery and all power sorces from the JVC
camcorder.Dip your que tip in the alcohol,(dont soke it)look inside where
your tape goes and you will see a black round opject.Thats the capsten.Rub
the alcohol qu tip on that doing a up and down motion and go all the way
around. After this is done your codes are gone and all you get is a clean
heads message but thats easily fixed with a radio shack or any other head
cleaner for this unit.E-mail me if you wish because this error code has
happened to me and I have saved hundreds of dollers just by doing this.
Later, Chubby

-- JediMaster (, May 13, 2003.


I have a JVC GR-DVP3U camera. I am having the same problem with E04 and
E06 errors and my tape will not eject. I sent JVC a copy of all the posts
people have put on here, to show them what a lot of their customers think.
Maybe they'll change their attitude, and starting helping without want $100
first! But, just one with a problem, no answers.

-- Luke (, May 15, 2003.


I'm also having problems.. "E04 - UNIT IN SAFEGARD MODE REMOVE AND
REATTACH BATTERY". The unit is a JVC GR-DVL505 and I've treated this think
like a baby. I've never dropped it or anything extreme. I plugged in the dc
power cable and it still say the same error code. Also it sounds like a
motor is binding up or something because it has an unusual high pitch sound
when I load a tape. If someone know how to fix it will you please e-mail me.
Thanks jj

-- JJ Kropp (, May 15, 2003.


ha ha ha i signed the page!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. uh, green soup is probably
rotten dont eat the plastic wrapper. My mom told me to wash my undershorts,
wheres the beef? its all cat food. Birdies are flying into glass windows,
someone should save them. Meatloaf. doggonit, YEAOUCH MY SPLEEN!!! drink
jones soda. i get 50 cents for typing that. dont touch the river of pudding.
bikes go fast downhill, hold it, ok im better. My sister is a nurse. she
helps dead fish. doughnuts are good with frostys for a heart attack. veal
steak. x- men 2 was pretty good, but im waiting for the matrix.

-- itsuptheirstupid myemailaddress (, May 17,


Well,,, I came hear looking for answers,,, like all of you no doubt,,,
but,,, I see the true exrent of the problem,,, its nice to know I am not the
only one with these error codes etc,,,, I have just tried the Rubbing
Alcohol solution which seems to have worked,,, for now,,, I cleaned
everything in there,,, its fit for surgical opperations now,,,, I used lint
cloth though so as not to get any cotton wool strands into the workings. If
anyone does find a complete solution to this problem then e mail me,,, I
have now started hating JVC after reading this page,,,, surely they must
have a solution to all this,,, they make the damned things. For now,,, lets
just hope we all dont have to suffer too much just because we all have heaps
of crap.

-- Martin (, May 17, 2003.


Im getting the E03 error on my DVL-105. I noticed a change in sound when
loading tapes, also it has destroyed 2 tapes. JVC suck.

-- Anonymous (, May 17, 2003.


hi, i also have a question. what happens when you click the "format" in
the DSC mode. when i did, i think all the pictures there were erased. does
the format thing do this? thanks!

-- deborah lee (, May 17, 2003.


I'm having problems with my JVC GR-DVF21U. I try to transfer video to my
computer but it doesn't work. I get the error message that there is no DV
device. Can anyone help???

-- Majid K. (, May 19, 2003.


RCA CC6363 a JVC not want a be . Can't get the tape door open to load
it.Displays the E01 error with no tape,can't get the door open.It is very
true the company does SUCK! Let me know how the suit goes. Thanks LeRoy

-- LeRoy A. Alt (, May 24, 2003.


I sitting here trying to get this GRD90U to do something, and
unfortunately none of the above answers are doing jack ____.

-- B Parsons (, May 24, 2003.


Then buy a Sony dumbass and avoid the problem.

-- muskamike (, May 25, 2003.


I am now apart of this growing club of jvc victims, E03 safeguard
message,i am now tapping on the camera at weddings, at parties, on the
beach, i hope that one of JVC's representatives reads and prints out the
thousand page complaint web site and shoves it up there ass. JVC has the
most unreliable units on the market do not buy unless you want to join this

-- wish xuan le (, May 26, 2003.


Just finish fixing my camera now so I thought I should contribute to all
the posting. This link "" contributed
by a user above help me figure out what is causing my problem. If you can
eject your tape, check your playhead to see if it's spinning freely. You can
do this by using a cottin swab and rotate your playhead. If it's not
spinning freely check the above link and follow the suggestion above. Though
in my case I took this spring out. My camera works fine now. My question to
all now is what is the function of this spring??? Thanks

-- Kenny (, May 27, 2003.


Just copy and paste this link

-- kenny (, May 27, 2003.


I have the same problem, e04, i will never more bye JVC.

-- Anna Kuhn (, May 27, 2003.


I tried the rubbing alcohol and i tried tapping it and nothing still made that loud sound and then the error came up. I'm
about ot go insane soon so can anyone tell me exactly where i should tab
and/or where i should clean with the alcohol. lol, i'm out of it with camera
terms so please put it in lamest terms. thanks and sorry for all of you with
the same crap i'm goin through.

-- Nick M. (, May 28, 2003.


I have the same DVM90-u camcorder with the E04 error and believe that the
fix that JVC recommends is replace the lower drum assembly. I believe that
the bad connection in the servo control circuit is the problem. That is why
the video head spins up to above normal speed.. I have the service manual
from JVC and when I get the guts to take it apart I will advise.. Here is
another link to more JVC DV camcorder problems. f=11

-- Bill Boehly (Boe...@NetZero.Net), May 29, 2003.


I have a JVC GR-DVM70 which has only been used with JVC tapes. It is
always giving me the E-04 error.
This error occurs BEFORE the tape comes into contact with the head.

No more JVC for this disgusted user!

-- Jeremy Stanton (, May 30, 2003.


Did you ever contact JVC? I had a similar problem and they were quite
helpful and talked me through a few troubleshooting steps. Becasue we
couldn't solve the issue over the phone, they sent me a prepaid shipping
container to send it back to them. A week later, a new Camcorder arrived
which was a slight upgrade model from what I purchased and a letter stating
it was easier to replace than wait for repairs. The upgrade was for my

-- William Michaels (, June 01, 2003.


Hey people,
Just to let you know that the tapping worked for my GR-DVL805 camcorder.
It started happening after 1 and 1/2 years. Barely use it... I tapped on the
side of the tape and it didn't work. Tried the other side it is finally
working. The rebooting thing didn't do squad. Just wondering how long before
it craps out again!!! Good luck to all of you!


-- Elverth (, June 01, 2003.


I have GR-DVM90U; Just messed around it for 1 month.......then went to the
U.S Marine Corps Training; now get back the product is over a year, and the
problem poped up. DSC Mode - No problem Dual Mode - "Copying Failed: Unit in
safeguard mode: Remove and reattach battery." Video mode - "E04 unint in
safeguard mode: Remove and reattach battery." PS Mode - "E04 unint in
safeguard mode: Remove and reattach battery." I found out that problem is
not the battery; but it has to do with the tape 'cause DSC mode store the
images, and video in the media memory; other than that mode; all the others
three has to do with tape. Even though I use the same brand of the game;
which is JVC, the problem is appeared in fron of my face. I tried all the
solutions from online thread, however it doesn't work at all.. I also
contact with JVC Customer Service; they said that I have to pay for labor
and part 'cause the product is about 1 months over the warranty limits.
Anyway, if I can't find any other solutions.......I am going to spend a
little money, and send back to them for the present on JULY 4; or maybe used
product they can film their families on vacation. I am tired
of this freaking product......GOODBYE JVC.... JVC is going to be in my
Comsumer Alert List

-- Henry (, June 01, 2003.


Well Hello again,
Just to let you all know that I have now been using my Camera for a month
now since cleaning out the tape bay with Q Tips & rubbing alcohol. I have
made a point of using it every day just to see how its going,,,,,, not a
problem,,, appears to be fixed,,,,,, amazingly,,,, I just hope it stays that

-- martin gregory (, June 04, 2003.





Like many others, many problems with my Gr-DFV21U DV camcorder. It worked
for a while then it started to show "tape not in" message even when the tape
was in. Removing and reinserting the tape solved the problem at the expense
of aggravation! Finally I got to Rome and, after trying this solution I
found myself with a stuck open tape loading mechanism! So I was stuck in
Rome with a non working camcorder and a mad wife!
Back to the US I went to the JVC service center and they wanted $ 50
deposit and an authorization to bill up to 240$ for fixing (?) the
camcorder. Of course I declined and bought a new one, another JVC as I
tought that it could use the same accessories. Big mistake as everything is
different! It also seems to take worse quality pictures than the old one.

I tried to fix myself the broken camcorder and it come out that a tiny
connector had become desoldered from the motherboard. With great difficulty
I resoldered it but still the machine does not work and gives the E03 error

It seems that the quality of manufacture of these machines id lousy and
the inside connections are weak andeasy to self break!

I think that there should be a law to prevent greedy companies from
selling this kind of junk on the US or any other market!

I am sure that a class action law suit would get they ears open to make
products that actually work and that can be repaired from less than the
price of a new one! I know they and others use the dirty trick of planned
obsolescence to keep selling junk to the unaware but this is unacceptable as
it contributes to waste resources and increase pollution! Camcorderd users
of the world, join and rally against these rascals!!!


-- Antonio Moroni (, June 11, 2003.


I Feel really really stupid about buying my JVC camcorder, GRDVL520U. If
it makes you guys feel any better, i didn't even have the chance to use mine
once, not once. i'll probably bring it back while i still have the chance.
Thanks JVC for your quality product! NEVER AGAIN. Oh, and add my name to
that list.

-- Jake Hawley (, June 11, 2003.


Not an answer.....just another bitch! I have a JVC GRSXM920U that has an
E02 error code, I have tried removing the battery and nothing. It wont even
allow me to remove my tape. This unit is a repacement for one that died
while under warranty. How can a company get away with sell such GARBAGE!

-- Tom Sullivan (, June 11, 2003.


Not an answer.....just another bitch! I have a JVC GRSXM920U that has an
E02 error code, I have tried removing the battery and nothing. It wont even
allow me to remove my tape. This unit is a repacement for one that died
while under warranty. How can a company get away with selling such GARBAGE!

-- Tom Sullivan (, June 11, 2003.


now June 12,,,, after the rubbing alcohol treatment mine is still going
strong,,, wow,,, still using it everyday,,,,,, perhaps I should stop for a
while,,, see if its ok in a week without use,,,,,,

-- martin gregory (, June 12, 2003.


I too have a bad JVC DVM90. I bought the service manuals (DVM90 and
DVM90U) if you need a copy just PAYPAL $10 to and you
will receive a pointer so can download a copy for yourself or $20 for a
CDROM and $50 hard copy shipped USPS to 50 lower states.
GR-DVM90_Owners.pdf (100 Pages) GR-DVM90_Service.pdf (43 Pages)
GR-DVM90_Parts.pdf (24 Pages) GR-DVM90_Schematics.pdf (47 Pages)

23.1MB total

-- (, June 14, 2003.


I too have a bad JVC DVM90. I bought the service manuals (DVM90 and
DVM90U) if you need a copy just PAYPAL $10 to and you
will receive a pointer so can download a copy for yourself or $20 for a
CDROM and $50 hard copy shipped USPS to 50 lower states.
GR-DVM90_Owners.pdf (100 Pages) GR-DVM90_Service.pdf (43 Pages)
GR-DVM90_Parts.pdf (24 Pages) GR-DVM90_Schematics.pdf (47 Pages)

23.1MB total

Also umm... Alcohol on rubber..? I would not do that although the metal
particles do stick to it and make it gummy there is a special CAPSTAN FLUID
that we use. It might even contain alcohol, who knows but I just would think
that would dry out the rubber. I would take my time and use the correct
fluid and just rub it until the color is all black. Notice the center of the
capstan is colored like the tape.

The little rollers do come off but there is a tiny "C" clip. Get the
manuals and it shows you. I would like to mention that the tapping wiggles
the miniature "TAPE TENSION" sensors and is why it then works. Also I would
agree to the DRUM HEAD coming loose from the solder joints. I resoldered

-- (, June 14, 2003.


I have a JVC GR-DVP3EA and am getting the same message here. The tape
inside the camera won't even move, fast forward etc. And even worse, I can't
even eject the tape. Anyone know how to get it out?

-- fisheye (, June 14, 2003.


I've had my jvc GRD90U for only a few months, working fine ok and dandy,
and then it just up and died. I noticed right away when the fully-charged
battery was in place and the redlight wasn't on... I plugged up the adapter
and it still didn't work. After reading these posts, I'm guessing JVC is a
shit-ass manufacturer then... I don't think I'm gonna want to spend a
friggin' 300 dollars to have it serviced AND I spent 600 dollars of my
hard-earned money to get it in the first place. Maybe I'm going to get a
Sony next time...

-- (, June 16, 2003.


I had problems with my JVC GR DVM 70 getting the o4 error code...I used it
only 4 times and it was repair once before by JVC....I sent it to JVC repair
here in Fla and they actually wanted $550 to repair
it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I complained to JVC C.S. in Wayne,New
Jersey....they did not want to repair it for me and I suspect they have NOT
had a good record of sucessful repairs as it is probably a design flaw!!!!!!
Pls note. Anyway, I suggest anyone pissed off, contact:
Patricia Castrucci JVC 1700 Valley Road Wayne, New Jersey 07470 tel. 973
317 5236 her fax is 973 317 5042 She is actually a reasonable person and
will work with you to get a new unit or something and I suggest you all
spend the long distance charge and call her and get the problem resolved.
She is the Head of Customer Service there and she can make decisions.

-- Phil (, June 18, 2003.


no answer i have a digital camera GR-DVX70 and alwayz the sign of EO4
appears what can i do? nothing that u suggest worked

-- ron (, June 18, 2003.


Not a solution, JVC is a CUNT. I have the DVM90 and the sales man warned
me against it, I was stupid. I will try the rubbing alcohol. FUCK JVC.

-- AHMED BADRAN (, June 20, 2003.


I would just like to say beware of clones. I have a Thomson VMD2S it's a
JVC under the skin and cannot be used on holiday. E04 the whole time I was
in Turkey and then worked fine when I returned to the UK. I didn't take any
other cameras so now I have no holiday pics. I will never buy anything JVC

-- Gordon Rice (, June 22, 2003.


WELL im suffering a slightly different issue. GR-DVL105A i do get safemode
alrts but the camera won't playback tapes. it seems the motor is running but
it cant get a timecode lock, the TC just blinks empty dashes even on
previously recorded tapes. While in record it seems to burn timecode but i
just get the blue screen and no timecode in playback mode.

-- Tom Ben Yehuda (, June 22, 2003.


Ugh... I found this thread by googling for a solution to my GR- DVL520U's
E01 (now E03) errors... reading this *doesn't* make me feel better. If
someone's colleting names for a class-action or petition, sign me up.

-- Chuck Boone (, June 22, 2003.


Not an answer.....just another bitch! I have a JVC G-DVL520 that has an
E04 & E06 error codes, I have removed the battery and nothing. How can a
company get away with sell such SHIT! I also will NEVER buy JVC again!
PLEASE contact me if anyone moves forward with a class action I am behind it
all the way! Please keep me posted!

-- Randy G. (, June 23, 2003.


I ran into this thread about JVC DV's and E04 problems --
Someone has contacted an attorney that specializes in defective product
class-actions (see entry dated 3/10/03):


I am interested in learning more about user experiences. Can you direct
some of your group members to my email and ask them to describe their
problems and what JVC has done (or not done) to address them. Thanks.

******************************************* Jonathan Shub, Esq. Sheller,
Ludwig & Badey, P.C. Philadelphia, PA 215.790.7327


Let's send him our stories!

-- Chuck Boone (, June 24, 2003.


It looks like JVC's camcorder have the same problem in the states.. I have
bought my DVP7 camcorder in february and in april it broke with an insulting
E03 error message... My dealer sent it to germany and it took 2 months to
came back... Of course as soon as i tried it E03 reappeared. So the dealer
gave me a new one and now it's working perfectly... I guess the best
solution is in fact to change your camcorder...

-- romain ygnace (, June 25, 2003.


I've had the same problem, I won't get into the details because it's the
same thing all of you have dealt with. But can anyone recommend a good,
reliable digital videocamera?

-- Timothy Compton (, June 25, 2003.


I bought a JVC GRSXM24OU camcorder for my son and his wife last christmas.
It developed the same problems by May. We put it in the shop a couple of
weeks ago, they informed me today that it is the deck assembly and will run
$155.00 to $165.00 to fix. I will either fix it or buy the kids a new one,
due to the embarrassment of buying a gift that only lasted 5 months. If I'm
embarrassed for buying it, JVC should damn well be embarrassed for selling
defective products. Tomorrow I'll call the JVC number posted above and see
if they can help. I'll share what ever information I get with this thread.
In the meantime add me to the list of victims. Sharon Harden Newport,NC

-- Sharon Harden (, June 25, 2003.


Hey everyone, guess what?? Same proublem here. JVC model # gr-axm225u. ok
i feel better now knowing I'm not alone.

-- Robert Varnell (, June 28, 2003.


I too have a JVC 80U and I am having the same dreaded error code problem.
I even purchased an underwater housing that cost me $900 that is useless for
anything else. JVC has cost me a lot of money. I will make it a point to let
everyone know NOT TO BUY JVC. Sign me up for any class-action suit.

-- Lazaro R (, June 28, 2003.


Well i ges i am lucky today,my cam had all the problems people talks about
here and i did everithing they recomend and after 30 mins my dad droped it i
opened it but just cleaned the mecanism, removed the battery, changed the
tape brand for maxell and got everything together again it worked
perfectly,sorry almost forgot i removed the memory card too,sometimes they
have a short circuit,why do i think that it could be the problem? well
sometimes power may vary in your power outlets ,like today my dad droped the
camera because he got shoked by the power outlet when conecting the
charger,and excuse my english im not very good whith it .
I hope this can help If it does please e mail me i will feel better for

-- GEO (, June 29, 2003.


same problem here with a e02 "battery in safeguard mode". I just bought my
dvl520 today! Guess what gets retuned tomorrow.

-- scott novacek (, July 02, 2003.


No Answer,
I bought my DVM90 18 months ago, I still remember some good days with this
camcorder for the first 6 months. But it start giving me problems include
E01,02,03 ... head cleaning......etc.. until now the worse .. E04 .. these
code numbers scare me away from taking any picture and it took $1000 dollars
off my account... i won't ever buy anything from JVC.

Since I got performace plan from circuit city, I will bring it to them and
see if they could take care of the problem.

I will keep u all inform.

"JVC 2 thumbs down"

-- Drew (, July 02, 2003.


If anybody wants their POS JVC camcorder repaired once and for all, e-
mail me and I'll send an address to ship. These service centers seem to be
inept when it comes to mechanical problems.

-- James (, July 03, 2003.


Same deal here with a JVC GR-SXM527U, got an E06 safeguard mode error.
After several attempts to re-insert battery, the unit finally shut down and
wont power up now. More importantly the tape is stuck in the unit and I
can't eject. This is NOT cool. JVC sucks.

-- Chris Stuber (, July 06, 2003.


i have an answer for everyone........i have the same problem with my
camcorder.......... u just take the thing and throw it on the face of the
manufacturer or warranty/gaurantee vendor.........and buy a new other
company's camcorder.....this is the best way....i tried it and i got the
problem solved as...the vendor did it free for me.. ;) try it urself.. have
a nice time

-- Suggestion (, July 06, 2003.


it is unfortunate that this type of problem recently started occuring w/
my gr-dvm70. No errors were showing on the screen. The symptom was that I
can not see what was on the tape as I was trying to play it. Tapping the
camcorder did the trick; but for how long will it work? I have enjoyed using
my camcorder over the last couple years. I don't use it much; just on
occassions. It is only a matter of time for this one. Reading form what
people have written, JVC is not a robust product. I expected more longevity.
I won't buy a JVC for fear of encountering the same quirks. Unfortunate.

-- melvyn (, July 07, 2003.


I can't believe it, but tapping the camera (an 805u) did get it out of
safeguard mode. It really did. Goof luck. Next time I'll buy a Canon.

-- david peck (, July 07, 2003.


I may get hung for this, but I've had a JVC DVL9000 for about 4 years now
and it has performed flawlessly up until today, when I got a E03 error while
tranferring a tape to DVD. It happened near the end of the tape (about 7
minutes from the end - Maxell tape). No matter what I tried, I couldn't get
the camera to play past that part without getting a E03 error. I tried
ALMOST everything in these posts, without success. Finally, I tried another
tape (after shutting down) and it worked flawlessly. I tried several other
tapes and they all work fine. Tried the original tape and still had
problems. I examined the tape, but couldn't see anything wrong at that
location in the tape. It didn't want to play anything 'past' that '7 minutes
from the end' point.
So, it looks like it has something to do with the tape and not necessarily
with the camera. Of course, I have only tried 5 tapes so far, but they all
seem to work without problem.

I would like to add that this camera has seen some very rough treatment in
those four years. It's been underwater in a special case up to 300 feet
several times. It's been taken on many dive trips around the world. It has
been climbing on mountains where it has fallen numerous times. And finally,
while at DisneyWorld last year, it fell on the hard cement from a height of
12 feet and broke into a lot of pieces. The internal battery went flying
about 50 feet in one direction, the tape went 50 feet in another direction,

I felt sure that it was a gonner. But, I gathered up all the pieces, sat
under a tree and prety much 'stuffed' it all back together again. To my
surpeise, it worked. I have used it very much since that time. The camera
looks like it's been through a was. Nothing fits together on the camera.
There are big gaps in the case where it should be tightly together. The only
thing that didn't work after that terrible fall, was the Y/C output.
Everything else works fine to this day.

So, Maybe JVC built these old MiniDV camera better than the newer ones,
but I've got to tell you that I was very impressed with what this camera has
been through.

Before this camera, I had a Panasonic AG456 S-VHS full size camera that I
also did the same kinds of things with, and it would have to go into the
shop at least once a year for repair. It died once in about 60 feet of
water. Another time, because of sand inside it. Another while sailing and I
guess salt water got into it. To me, that was normal due to the wear and
tear that I place on cameras.

This JVC DVL9000 has never been in the shop for repair, only adjustment of
the colors (I'm a stickler for accurate colors).

I also have another JVC MiniDV camera, AGDV1, that I also use as a backup
camera. This camera goes the same places that the DVL9000 goes, and has
never failed on me.

So, in summary, I've got say that I'm very impressed so far with these two
cameras. I've noticed that people are complaining about many different
cameras on this forum, not just one model. When you mass produce camcorders,
as small and dellicate as MiniDV, you're bound to have some problems. If all
these complaints were with one model, I could see a class action lawsuit,
but with all these different model camcorders, and so few bad ones for each
model, I don't believe you would have a chance. Look through this forum and
find the model with the greates number of complaints. Now, how many of those
cameras do you think JVC made? What percentage of the total do you think the
bad ones make up? Realize that .5 to 1% is acceptable for defective units.

Sorry for going on and on. I'm not in any way affiliated with JVC. As I
mentioned, I found this forum because I also got a E03 error and was looking
for answers. I was a little shocked at how mad people were getting over
unrelated issues, seemingly grouping them all into the 'same' problem, with
the 'same' model camera. In case you haven't checked lately, MOST companies
have very poor customer support these days, including Philips, Sony,
Panasonic, Hitachi, Sanyo, Samsung, Zinith, RCA, etc. I know, I dealt with
all of them during the past several years.

-- Jeff Jordan (, July 08, 2003.


MY SOLUTION! I have a JVC GR-DVL20. I got the E04 error, I tried tapping
it etc etc. What worked for me was to turn the Camcorder on, (Automatic)
then open the tape door, all of a sudden to my surprise the tape ejected.
These cameras (mine at least) seem to be tempermental little bitches. I
don't think there's one sure fire way to fix em (besides pay money) you just
gotta go through every single option then hopefully (its worked for me)
it'll do the right thing. Good luck to anyone else tryna fix these little

-- -=Kriz=- (, July 10, 2003.


I have a JVC GRDVL9800. It had E04 "Unit in safeguard mode" long ago. I
had to remove and reattach the battery several times before it came back to
working condition. Recently, it does not work anymore no matter how many
times I remove and reattach the battery. It always shows the E04 error and
locks the device. The DV was rarely used and is the only electronic products
giving troubles. NEVER BUY JVC AGAIN!

-- PT (, July 11, 2003.


Fuck fuck fuck!! I had same problem with my Thomson VMD-120 and I have it
fixed in Sweden. I got 700? bill (approx.700§)!! Yeah 700?. I could buy a
new one! Fucking mother fuckers...ARGH!! Even it says 'remove and reattach
battery' the problem is in cassette system...

-- Reija, Finland (, July 16, 2003.


Hi, I bought a camera JVC GRDVL 310U, made in Japan, and I had the same
had some problems before this happen. 1 - I put battery in charger and the
life's battery run out in five minutes. 2 - Some months later I put the
battery in charger and the led didn't light. So I thought it was a problem
in the battery. 3 - Finally, I've seen this error, E04, some months later.
4 - Almost 8 months later, I turn on the camera e it works fine. Attached
the battery, started to record, put the battery in charger, record again and
again and, I saw the same error.
Is seems to be a Bug. Try remove your battery when you are not using.
Never let your battery attached for a long time. Thats my advice. I'd
appreciate some help. Thanks.


-- Santerre C. M. Batalha (, July 16, 2003.


I bought a camcorder JVC GR-AX777UM. I got the E02 problem, "The camera is
in safe mode", someone has an awnser for that trouble.
I'll apreciate to get help.

-- Carlos A Lopez (, July 17, 2003.



-- not everthing last forever (stopbitc*, July 18, 2003.


I've got my JVC DVL for over 5 years. Never had any problems with it until
last year when I used a new sony tape and the dreaded EO3 showed up and
would not play or FF/RW. It worked initially by tightening the tape and
doing a full FF/RW but after sometime it stopped working. Just beware when
tightening the tape. I got so frustfrated at one stage that I overtightened
and snapped a tape. I took it to a JVC service place over here in Melbourne
Australia and they demanded a ransom of $70 just for a look. If it cost more
than a $100 to fix it I'll probably ditch it and get a new one. Most
definitely not a JVC (don't like the poor quality indoor shots apart from
the obvious EO problems). I'm very surprised that the recent models are even
worse and less reliable than mine. They never learn. I think JVC have very
poor quality control in their factory (maybe super cheap labour from 3rd
world contries.) Just my 2 cents.

-- Charles L (, July 18, 2003.


Hola Soy español de LAS PALMAS (Islas Canarias) 1º Todos los errores de
que hablais son averias de la mecanica. a- cabeza no gira drumm motor b-
capasta motor c- reel cambado y no gira d- humedad en el sensor del
mecanismo e- sensores del reel mal. Siempre es lo mismo, el PROBLEMA ES QUE

-- Juan Luis (, July 21, 2003.


Hi, i got the same problem as some of you... E03 on the lcd.
This problem occured when i was viewing my recorded summer vacation video
through the lcd and the video just froze. WhatTheFuck? I investigated it and
came up that, changing the brand of dv-tapes from expensive n´ 'reliable'
JVC, to cheaper n´ crappier maxell, where the strip has turned clockwise,
and ruined the whole memory of my summer vacation in northern Sweden.

The sollution? I cleaned inside my camera, (like a surgeon=) and stocked
up a big pile of expensive n´ 'reliable' JVC-tapes, for my future use. Seems
like they want us to buy THEIR, and OLNY their tapes.

Im pretty pissed at JVC. And going to tell everybody i know on the
internet (about 1500 trusted ppl, and they know a lot of people, the
snowball.efx) that JVC may have a salestrick, fooling their customers. And
Maxell should be making Door-mats instead 'Welcome To Max-hell'

-JVC- Just a Vacation Crusher...or Japanese Victor Cu*t...or Jävla
Vanskapta Camera! (FRIGGIN' RETARDED CAMERA! in swedish)

Mr.Arvidsson - A happy SONY fan.

-- Mr.Arvidsson (, July 22, 2003.


Wow...I just got this problem tonight, 12 hours before I'm about to go
leave for the beach. So there goes that whole Idea of videotaping my
vacation. I thought by searching on the internet I'd find a simple solution
to a simple problem. However now I just feel stupid for not reading up on
JVC products before I bought my Digital Camcorder a little over a month ago.
I think it's complete bullsh*t. I will never buy any JVC poroduct ever
again, and I highly reccomend any human being i ever come in contact with to
buy a canon or panasonic instead. If anyone associated with JVC is reading
this right now, lick my scrotum, and take your DV camcorders and shove them
up your ass. That's all I have to say

-- Dan Young (, July 24, 2003.


What an absolute piece of SHIT camera. We have a GR-DVL100 and it has been
really good for about 12 months - went on holidays recently and taped
everything - got home to connect to the PC to download to the PC and put
onto CD's and the dv in/out did not work. I tried a couple of firewire cards
and cables and no go. Took the camera to an authorised JVC centre and they
fixed it - NOT. Still did not work for DV in/out. Well, took it back and
picked it up today and what do you know - the DV in/out works - but the
samera now shows this E06 SafeGuard Mode error and it ate our holiday tapes.
What a piece of shit camera. I have sent a message to JVC Australia
concerning the faulty camera and the shonky service centre. Looks like we
have also joined the Just Very Crappy (JVC) Video Camera Club - yee fucking
I will keep you posted as to what happens - the camera is currently under
extended warranty - and in the future I will utter these famous words = IT'S
A SONY...!!!!!!

Paul & Caz

-- Paul & Carol Featherstonhaugh (, July 25,


I've had a JVC GRL9000 for the last 3 or 4 years - what a disaster! Cost
£1700 at the time and last year had to spend an extra £270 having it fixed
as the error E03 kept coming up - no matter what I did or which tapes were
being use. The camcorder is shit. Should definitely have bought a Sony
instead. Nadia

-- Nadia Awolesi (, July 26, 2003.


I too have been getting an E04 on and off for about a year now. I tried
everything in the past prior to finding this forum tonite but nothing
worked. My camera has been showing the E04 continously for about a week now
but when I tried the 'tapping on the side' solution everything started to
work again. Thanks to the person who initially suggested that.
Nevertheless the JVC is still a piece of junk. I just bought a SONY
replacement on eBay just a week ago.

I would never buy any JVC product again!

-- Nept Tiglao (, July 26, 2003.


Ok guys. I got it. We have been all f... by JVC. I have the same E01 error
message. And guess what : just after one year (like it was programmed to do
so ...).
Let's go to the next level now : Class action suit againt JVC. I'm back in
Europe now. So if one of you can contact a lawyer, put me in your list and
keep me posted.

Thanks Selim

-- Selim (, July 29, 2003.


Im all for the class action suit. My camera stopped working on my trip to
mexico so now i have nothin to look back on. i have a GR- SXM320 and its a
piece of crap. tried everything and nothin worked. keep me posted on the
calss action suit

-- Saul Mendoza (, July 29, 2003.


OMG same thing I'm sitting around transferring tapes using my jvc dvl- 100
fresh back from the shop for dirty head cleaning when i get the infamous eo3
disconnect battery warning. I try all suggestions ..clean head wth
alcohol..tap no avail. I put in cleaning tape and rewind..presto
chango it works but for how long, I was going to take it on florida vacation
but of course it broke 3 weeks before was "fixed" when i got
back at least tech was honest said he dint know how long it would work a
week a month a year..he didnt sound to supportive , Hey if there is a class
action let me know..god knows there is enough of them going around.

-- T Carapella (, July 30, 2003.


Its the Feathers again, well we called JVC in Oz and they said that my
problems (and those of 90% of people here) is not a fault with the camera -
cough cough bullshit. Well they have said to take it back to their Repair
Centre again (the same mob that have failed to fix the camera twice now)so
they can try again. I will play their game for one more attempted fix and
then I will be seeking legal advice on getting a refund on a defective
product - will keep you posted OK - Cheers

-- Paul & Carol Featherstonhaugh (, July 30,


Same problem E06 error on my JVC DVM90 camcorder! It is now in Aurora
repair for a week and I haven't heard a word from them that they even got
it. I will call today ...not open til 9:00 am ...nice job. I sent the 50.00
by check so they probab;y wait 10 days to contact me for the rest of my
money and the "bad news". I hadn't seen these postings till today and now I
know "the rest of the story." Great, just great.

-- Charles Williams (, July 31, 2003.


Hello.. I regret to say that I have a problem in my JVC GR-DVM90
camcorder. The colors pictures in the viewfinder and the LDC is totally
distorted. For instance, the colors are reversed (i.e. blue appears to be
red, red appears to be blue.. etc.). This problem has really been annoying
me, and it has actually been like this for a while. Does anyone know how to
prevent this from happening and possibly fix it so that it won't occur in
the future? Thanks ... (e- mail me if you have any help please.)

-- jesse garcia zablan (, August 03, 2003.


I have had to send my unit in, It was under warranty that time, The screen
just went blank and would not work. Also it got to where it would not eject
a tape.Now after it is out of warranty i am having problems which hundreds
of other people are having. It flashes codes,reinsert battery, clean heads
and the picture has lines or bars on it during playback. I have contacted
jvc and told them i have researched this problem and recognize they do have
a problem with this. The lady SHAYLA was her name said i needed to get a
cost estimste sheet from a jvc service center and they MIGHT see what they
could do for me. Called the center i got the work the first time they said
minimum $75 sarvice call and repair could run up to $600 for this problem
and due to it not being under warranty, I am responsible. I am ready for the
CLASS ACTION SUIT how do we get it started. I saved my money for a long time
to get this hyped up very expensive camera and i am very stressed out over
it. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Because i am afraid when i send it off they are gonna
want a mint to fix it. Shoot i'll just save up for another. I will keep my
$200 battery that i bought for it because that is THE ONLY THING i have not
had a problem with since i replaced it.

-- Darren w.Bridgers (, August 04, 2003.


In addition to tmy response above, i have had every problem all these
other people are having.hey know they have a problem(jvc) they could fix it
how do we get the letters going??????? I have missed so many wonderful
things because of this and i am ready fo actio. Iwill pay th 100 dollar
check ou but if they don't want to do anything anout it then i will take out
my 200$ battery and run it over and over again with my truck.

-- Darren W Bridgers (, August 04, 2003.


No Answer.....Just more PROBLEMS... JVC GR-DVL355E....Spent today at a
Safari Park, battery went flat....left unit for a while, tried it home and tried it with 240v AC adaptor....NOTHING,
DEAD AS A DODO. Tapes stuck in, no lights come on, totally useless....I WANT
MY TAPE OUT!! JVC will be contacted tomorrow, I'll keep my fingers crossed
for some help!!

-- Tim Bevington (, August 04, 2003.


Same damn problem, no solutions! I have a GR-DVL805 that has started up
with the E04 message. I have had the camera for about a year with light use
and now it is giving me this error message a lot. Previously, it has had a
bad pixel on the lcd screen which seems to transfer to the video as well,
even if I don't use the lcd and use only the view finder. Never again will I
TELLING YOU?????????????????????????????

-- Robert Dennis (, August 05, 2003.


SOLOUTION. I did what I read on one of the posts here, and guess what ? It
works now. Thank Allah.
Cleaning the pinch rollers does the trick. Rubbing Alcohol. all is good.
Dont remember to read this line before starting :


-- AHMED BADRAN (, August 05, 2003.


I have a problem with my JVC gr-d70u. I don't know if anyone can help. The
LCD and view finder only display white. No images once so ever. Has anyone
else had a problem such as this? Any information would be appriecated.

-- Sheri (, August 05, 2003.


i had the same problem as i posted earlier. the tape wouldn't eject. i
just took the camera apart myself until i could tape the tape out. when i
put it back together it worked perfectly. a repair shop wouldve charged 100
bucks for what i did myself. its not that hard. it worked for me. that
tapping thing didnt work for me. it was risky though you have to do it
carefully or you can screw up the tape or even worse the camcorder

-- Saul Mendoza (, August 05, 2003.


Add my name to the list. What a piece of junk. Just out of warranty and
getting the dreaded E04 error code. No solution from above works. Camera
does nothing, can't even eject the tape.
JVC should own up to this issue and make good on all the units they have
sold. I will never buy anything from JVC ever again and I will make sure I
let everyone I know, how bad these products are !!!!!

-- Neil Adams (, August 06, 2003.


Hi, my name is tim and i got boned by jvc. Have a DVM90 with the E04 code.
Please let me know if anyone goes class action on jvc's ass. I want in!

-- tim clark (, August 06, 2003.


My GR-DVP7U stopped working, on powering up the unit the LED is on
regardless of the mode switch setting, and if I open the LCD the
fast-forward motor start going. Cannot eject the tape. On closing the LCD
the LED starts flashing. Sometimes there is a garbled pattern on the LCD,
kind of an out of sync system display, sometimes nothing on the display.

-- J Becker (, August 09, 2003.


I tried changing the record mode from SP to LP and it seems to work for
now. Hopefully this will work for a while and keep me from slamming the damn
thing to the wall.

-- (, August 12, 2003.


Same problems as all of you, guess I feel fortunate it worked for a year.
I thought I was lucky purchasing the Mack Extended Warranty, but just sent
it back twice now and returned with same problem, no fixes. If these cameras
were so touchy on which tape to use it should have been in the manual NEVER
use anything but JVC? Come On! What a gimmick. Anyway I would love a Class
Action Suit against JVC as this is surely a crime, they have recalls on cars
why not defective merchandise and have JVC fix all our cameras FOR FREE! It
is the American thing to do! Please let me know if someone ever gets this
suit going and whom I should contact, or if by some miracle JVC fesses up to
they responsibility!!!! Michigan Resident

-- Walter J. Gould (, August 12, 2003.


Hello discruntled JVC owners.
I aswell have had all of these problems after heavy use on my dvl-505. I
used it for about 3 years untill this problem occured. I then contacted a
local repair shop who charged me $390.00 cdn to replace the video head. This
did not work so I returned it to them and they said the entire mechanics had
to be replaced so I demanded they do it free of charge and they did.

So now it works I have had no problems for about 8 months although I have
rarely used it. I am now runnning into a problem where I have a diff. brand
name of tape that I recorded using a differnt camera and on the JVC it plays
back all choppy and demands to be cleaned. Stupid camera, its like its a
diff format or something.

oh and PS. Before this occured I had never had a problem with other brand
tapes and I had been running aa digital tv station where we used tons of
other ones.

If anything goes down please contact me and if anyone can help with the
tape playback issue I would be very thankfull.

-- Jonathon Corbiere (, August 13, 2003.


Hi.. GR-DVP7 camcorder is in the shop with a broken inductor, JVC part
#NQLZ010-390X. They are having trouble getting the part, it's backordered
with a long delay. Does anyone have any info on some other JVC-aware
supplier I could get this from on short notice. thanks, J. Becker

-- J Becker (, August 13, 2003.


Actually, I have a question. I have the jvc GR-SXM527u, and I am trying to
get video into my pc. I'm looking for a JLIP cable, since that seems to be
the only way to connect it up, but I cannot find one. Can anyone offer
suggestions? other ways? anything? I've got a nice new dell, plenty of
memory and speed, and i'm ready to go, but i just cant get it together.
thanks. brad

-- Brad Pounders (, August 16, 2003.


I have E04 as well! JUST happened today. Messed around with battery
pulling, etc., then it sort of worked. If they don' t send me a new cam
tomorrow when I call, I'm going to buy a $800 sony and send them a nasty
letter. I'm really pissed off, but I've calmed down a little now. :)
- smash

-- smash (, August 18, 2003.


Hey !
Where shall I start ??? I bought my JVC GR-DVP7 for 1000 euros in France 4
months ago. It has been working fine since yesterday, I went to the X GAMES
in Los Angeles and when I got home I wanted to take a look at what I filmed,
but unfortunetly I got the "Unit in safeguard mode" error message when
turning on my cam. I ejected my tape ands realized that the cam ate it !!! I
hate JVC I spent 1000 euros in this Mother Fuckin' cam and now when i read
all these messages I really think it'll never work perfectly again !

I will try all the solutions tonight and buy new tapes but I really don't
think it'll last forever. Maybe i'll get it replaced when i'll go back to
France because of course their warrenty is limited to Europe in my case.

I'm going to Vegas next week end to end my trip to the USA and I'm so
frustrated that I won't be able to film that last week end !

Any lawsuit or whatever send me an email ...

Fuck YOU JVC ;-)

-- Nicolas "Fuck JVC" Hannick (, August 18,


I tried all the above for my DVX707 when it gave a 04 error to no avail,
fortunately it was only 6 weeks old so I took it back for a full refund....
Now which Sony will I buy?

-- Robert Anderson (, August 19, 2003.


Yup, chalk up another GR-DVL-805. Several error messages. Pretty amazed to
see that tapping on the tape door a couple of time, after removing the
battery for a full min. worked.
Yeah, class action, and free repairs for all. count me in.

- ian

-- ian ulibarri (, August 19, 2003.


it might sound crazy but tapp the hell out of ur camra that shit really
works lol

-- robert b (, August 21, 2003.


SOLUTION (PEACE OF SOME...) I've had the E03 error message (short message
!) and found out that it was depending on the tape inserted. So I tried to
work on the tape instead of working on the camcorder and it worked. First
I've tried to move the tape forward manually, I needed to press the lock in
the middle of the casette to unlock the tape and allow it to move forward
and then a pair of scisors to turn the wheel and Bingo, after less than a
complete turn I put the tape back into the camcorder and it worked !!!
A longer term solution would be appreciated but I thing the little rolling
parts into the camcorder are weak and have difficulties to deal with long
and heavy tapes (90mn or 60mn) so use only 30 mn tapes and be find. Yan.

-- yan (, August 22, 2003.


Not an answer,again.I have the same problem with my jvc camera GR-DVL107E
.It's 2 years old.It keeps displaying error E04-UNIT IN SAFEGUARD

-- Matej (, August 24, 2003.


Was going to by JVC's GR-DVP-7 tomorrow. Good that I found this site.
Changed my mind now. Means more research - but will buy something other than

-- Rahul Jaiswal (, August 24, 2003.


I've got seven of these JVC camcorders I bought on wholesale for a
"bargain" price. I knew they weren't working though so I'm here, not to
complain, but to find a workable, long term) solution. (i.e. Not a $300 rip
off "repair" guy who maybe yes/no can fix it.)
Buried quietly in this long diatribe of whines, superstitious rituals
(always use JVC tape, tap, clean, etc.), stories of personal emotional loss,
excuses for artistic "camcording" block, well composed pleas, moral,
business and legal advice for the manufacturer, is a post that looks like it
might solve the problem.

The web page shows a little spring that
has to be seated correctly. Looks like it could get easily pushed out of
place too, causing a lot of the other symptoms I read here - noise (as the
spring scrapes), fast power usage (if it sticks against the wheel too hard),
tape seemingly jammed (because head can't spin normally so computer doesn't
think tape is in safe position to release).

I had a tape stuck in a different JVC model (GR-SXM740U) with similar
E03/4, "replace battery" problems. Removed 2 screws, opened as described,
found wheel (in slightly different place) and with a screwdriver moved it a
little bit. Magic, now eject button worked.

My spring was in a different place, found it by comparing to another one
that did work. I bent it back but tape still would not go into position.
Finally took it off. No telling what it does - seems to hold cassette door

Now tape insert/eject works fine and it even plays the tape a little, but
it keeps saying "Tape End", even if I rewind to middle of tape with other
camcorder. Tape plays/records fine in good camcorder so it's not the tape.
(JVC brand incidentally.)

Next step is to figure out how end of tape is detected.

Have both camcorders open and other than spring, find no differences.

So hard to find a service manual. Even one on camcorders in general.
There's only 3 books at, the newest is dated 1999. (On other hand
maybe JVC has been making the same mistake in it's designs since before

Now it's your turn. Take out some more screws and figure out the next
step. Report back. I'll do same.

Sign me up for class action suit too.

-- John Kaufman (, August 30, 2003.


Sorry, no answers, just that I have the same problem on a DVL505, unit is
of course like 14 months old and out of warranty. Oddly, mine worked
perfectly until I lent it to someone and this is how it was returned. Dont
know if JVC sucks or my friends.. Will try the tapping thing.

-- Joe La Valle (, August 30, 2003.


Hi, my JVC camcorder GR-D-VL100 type cannot be put in operation due to the
E02 error: I tried to dry the circuits utilizing the dessiccant salts but
without positive results.Can someone give me suggestions how to proceede?

-- franco amicucci (, September 01, 2003.


Same prob 'E04: Remove and reattach de battery', Cannot insert a tape, I
always used JVC tapes, I can hear a tikking noice for 2 seconds. My camera
is exactly 1 year old.

-- Jo Van den Berghe (, September 01, 2003.


I have been getting the E04 problem for about a year and a half now. I'm
using a JVC GR-DVL300. I was everybody elses camera making
a loud "WEEEEEEEEE!!!" sound? Mine does it everytime. I have found that
tapping on the tape door works temporarily. Sign me up for that suit.

-- Michael Paul Dunlap (, September 01, 2003.


I bought my DVX9 about two years ago and only just recently started to
have the "battery in safeguard mode" problem. Tapping the side of the unit
helped for a while....also useing the head cleaner....then it packed up
altogether!!!!!Every time I tried to record - "battery in safeguard mode" I
lost count of how many times that blasted battery came off and on! Then I
thought about the tape...I knew that JVC only recommends their own (well
they would, wouldn't they) and how they said that JVC tapes keep the tension
for longer. So I took out the tape, and using a pencil with an eraser I
ratcheted up the slack. CAREFUL! Just enough to get rid of the slack. And
yes, you guessed it, it worked. Oh bliss..................

-- Clive Halliday (, September 02, 2003.


I had the E04 error on a GR-DVM70 and slapping the side worked for me!

-- Robert Byrd (, September 04, 2003.


Similar problem with the GR-DVF31. Received the E01 error, hit the eject
and now the tape door cannot be close (the tape holder that has the red
"push here" sticker will not "latch".
Curiously the Off setting no longer seems to work...the camera stays on
(with the blue screen) no matter if Off, Play, Manual or Automatic)

Anyone hear of or have this problem?

-- d (, September 04, 2003.


Just adding myself to the list of people suffering from "remove battery -
unit is safeguard mode" and having my valuable video footage 'chewed-up',
and becoming very stressed and disillusioned with JVC.

I have some footage which I need to transfer to my pc and the friggin
thing keeps mangling my tapes and then shutting down.

I always though JVC were good and I have much equipment from them..

NEVER AGAIN..... AVOID JVC... Just pay the extra a get a Sony (although I
have a friend who used to work for Sony on their camcorders and he tells
some interesting stories about their quality control - but still better than


-- andrew henry (, September 05, 2003.


the E03 error: fix: perdonen que escriba en español, pero creo q les
ayudara esto: en el modelo gr-dvm70, apenas abren la tapa donde esta el
casette, hay una banda de goma, donde seguramente el castete da vueltas o
hace girar la cinta, pues como sea, por alguna razon esta goma tiende a
moverse, la solucion limpiarla bien y con mucho cuidado con un poco de
alcohol, y luego presionarla suavemente contra la otra pieza de acero q esta
a su lado, magicamente el puto error E03 desaparecio de mi camara.(si la
presionan mucho se daran cuenta de que hace que la imagen parpadee, asi q no
lo hagan demasiado fuerte, en todo caso pueden volver a ponerla mas alejada
de la pieza de acero


-- carlos (, September 06, 2003.


I've had a GR-DVL 805 for 2 years now with minimal probs.. but today when
I attempt to turn it on.. E04 (Remove Battery...?) So I read on here and
figured "what the hey" I tapped it, smacked, and whacked it a few times..
and lo and behold.. it started working again!!!
Could it be the JVC models are slightly masochistic??? Well, the one thing
I've learned from this fiasco is: never underestimate the healing powers of
"percussive maintenance" =)

-- Woooha (, September 06, 2003.


Not an answer, but to be amongst the JVC victims. I bought a brand new
GR-D70US the first time I used it I got E03/E06 error messages that make the
device unsuable. Does anybody get an answer from JVC customer support and
find a solution to this problem ? Please assist ! Thanks PS.: No JVC anymore

-- Yerima (, September 07, 2003.


The story continues.... Since 3 months I experience the same problem with
the E04 error. I was using sony tapes and still got this problem. After
reading some remarks in the list I tried a panasonic tape (unable to find
JVC) and remarkably it started working immediately. I keep my fingers
crossed. And to our friends at JVC co. I would like to say: next time I buy
a Sony.

-- Paul van Lankveld (, September 10, 2003.


I received the E04 message for the first time the other day, right after I
had removed and replaced the tape (JVC by the way). All I did was remove the
tape, tighten it by turning the reels in opposite directions, and replaced
the tape. Worked like a charm. Who knows, but I believe this error is a
result in slack in the tape.

-- Bill Breda (, September 10, 2003.


I received the E04 message for the first time the other day, right after I
had removed and replaced the tape (a JVC by the way). All I did was remove
the tape, tighten it by turning the reels in opposite directions, and
replaced the tape. Worked like a charm. Who knows, but I believe this error
is a result in slack in the tape.

-- Bill Breda (, September 10, 2003.


Add me to the list of JVC haters. I have the DVL505 with the E03 message.
Non of the solutions seem to work. It just seems to come and go as it
pleases. Just what you need when your trying to capture a moment. Thanks for
the memories JVC!

-- Tony Q (, September 13, 2003.


My problem with jvc camcorder is flashing blue screen, showing none of the
footage I filmed. When I use TDK cassettes then I get the problem. Put in a
Panasonic cassette and it works fine.
I have had the eo4 problem. Don't know what causes that. Maybe its related
to the tapes as well.

To hell with jvc.

-- Daron Kruse (, September 13, 2003.


I HATE JVC Hello All I have a GR-DVL805, Which I bought less than three
years ago. I used the product for maybe a total recording time of 20 hours
tops, and now it showing the same E04 error. Its working now (god knows for
how long). I had bough a JVC sound system last week, which I am glad to say
I returned today. Never again I would buy any JVC products and if there is
any class action going on please count me in as well. As my vedio camera I
try it one more time if the problem consisted I would'nt even bother trying
to have it fixed because that would only mean waisting even more money on

-- LOTFALI ZAND (, September 15, 2003.


I got this from some service site. Good luck
Author: Steve Beeching I.Eng. M.R.T.S. 1. Ensure that the owner gives a
full description of the problem plus any information apertaining to the
actions being taken when the problem occurs. 2. Determine if the problem is
a record or playback defect, does the product play previously recorded
tapes? 3. In the case of a picture defect, ask for a sample tape
illustrating the problem. 4. Quite a number of problems are tape based, has
the owner tried a different size tape or brand. 5. Long Play speed and Long
play tapes are for convenience NOT performance and often give rise to
problems. 6. The error codes given below can often be traced to tape based
problems or adverse environmental conditions.

. Error Codes Panasonic JVC Description F01 . No Take-Up reel rotation F02
E03 No Supply Reel rotation F03 E02 Mechanism has not unloaded to the Eject
position F04 E01 Mechanism has not fully loaded up to the stop position F05
E04 Rotation of the video head has stalled or too fast . E06 Tape drive
motor is not rotating or stalled F31 . Data Transmission error F51 . Focus
drive motor is not functioning, no focus. Color F52 . Zoom drive motor is
not functioning, no zoom U10 . Dew Sensor has detected condensation or
failed U11 . Video Heads have been detected as clogged failed

Digital Camcorders Due to the very small, lightweight mechanisms and very
thin tape used, digital camcorders are more susceptible to adverse
conditions of temperature change and humidity.Particularly when taken from
cold conditions into a hot or humid climate or room. The video heads are in
fact digital data heads.The limits of the digital compression system are
coping with high definition, fast moving scenes. Something in the picture
with lots of detail moving fast stretches the system to its limits.
Therefore when the heads are partially clogged or dirty with loose tape
oxide dust and the efficiency of the heads are impaired then small error
blocks occur in playback. These are called MACRO blocks. The video (data)
heads record and playback alternately in bands across the screen, ten bands
in total, five each. During playback the picture viewed is NOT directly off
of the tape, it is the output of a memory chip (IC). If the data from a head
is corrupted then it does not refresh the memory chip. If one of the heads
is clogged picture defects vary from small Macro blocks scattered in bands
and only visible on movement, up to complete bands. Sometimes black, mostly
with fragments of other pictures remaining in the memory because it has not
been updated. If both heads are clogged there is no picture at all, black
for Panasonic, perhaps with an odd message ?Unplayable Format? and blue
screen for JVC. Cleaning tapes may not be fully effective in serious cases
of clogged heads but it is worth a couple of tries.

-- Rey Magana (, September 17, 2003.


I get the safeguard error eject and reinsert tape! This out of no where
just started happening, and reinserting any tape doesnt work! This problem
happened to me early, but reinserting the tape did fix it now it doesnt.
This will be the second time ive had to bring in my GR-DVL820, and the first
problem was just another random thing, all of a sudden playback was all
scratchy, and recording was also, i got that fixed but now i got this stupid
problem. Hey JVC fuck you!

-- James (, September 19, 2003.


Had my GR-DVM96 for over a year and it's been pretty much flawless but now
my recorded video comes out garbled when using a battery. It comes out
perfect with the AC adapter. I have three batteries and it does it with all
of them :(
Going to try JVC tapes and see if that helps (been using cheap sony and
tdk tapes)

-- readneck jones (, September 20, 2003.


Same problems as everyone else. Model GR-D90. Will never buy JVC again.

-- RippedOff (, September 21, 2003.


Same problems here. I bought a JVC GR-DVL500 3 years ago. About 60 hours
of use later I started getting "head cleaning required" messages. I would
try to fast forward the tape and then rewind all the way and that would work
sometimes. Eventually, I had to clean the heads/capstan ~every 15 hours of
use. You could see the rust- colored oxid bands on the capstan. I used
mainly Sony tapes, but now and then would use a JVC or panasonic tape. Now I
know that JVCs can't handle different tapes well, and that the Sony tapes
can be major problems. Funny, no other camcorders seem to have this
sensitivity. This really sucked. Eventually the camera stopped working and I
just bought a Sony which is the way I should have gone to begin with!
One thing important. I would NOT use Q-tips to clean my capstan/heads. Too
much of a risk to leave a cotton fiber in the camera and make problems
worse. Instead, go to Radio Shack and get the foam or chanille head cleaning
swaps. Also use their head cleaner to clena the head and "non-slip fluid" to
clean the capstan. Try not to clean the system too much or too harshly.

I hope JVC gets their problems solved. For me, I doubt I'll ever buy
another JVC product...too much wasted already

-- AC (, September 22, 2003.


Can any of you help me to get a manual for GR-DVX44E JVC Camcord? pmvelu

-- pmvelu (, September 23, 2003.


well, i solved my problem... seems my GR-DVM96 does not charge the
batterly properly and i get badly recorded video when using the battery.
bought a battery charger from and now recorded video is

-- readneck jones (, September 25, 2003.


i have a gr-dvl505u and get the same problem. so far it's intermittant and
happens with or without JVC brand tapes

-- Ken Kopacki (, September 29, 2003.


Borrowed my friend's JVC GR-DVP3 to transfer tapes (various brands) to my
computer, and suddenly I get the "E01 Unit in safeguard mode" error! Tape
will not eject or even move, tapping sides and removing battery does not
work - what a POS. Thanks for nothing, JVC.

-- C Sundblad (, September 30, 2003.


I have had only two times in the life of my JVC camera where I've needed
it to perform reliably. Sadly, it's failed both times. The first time I
tested the camera in my hotel room in Sedona, AZ to make sure everything was
working before climbing a moutain to film at the summit. Everything worked
great on the ground. At the top, though, the battery wouldn't power it. I
hiked back down the mountain and have run it from the main power supply
running of the wall jack ever since. The battery's never worked again. I've
switched batteries, recharged, cleaned the contacts, and just about anything
else I could think of.
Today, I ventured up another mountain with a car battery to power the
camera's wall jack attachment (which has worked like a charm for a year).
After getting everything set up for the shoot, the camera displayed a E04
Safeguard Mode message, rendering it useless. Tape or no tape, it made no

Our final solution worked perfectly, though. Drive to your nearest
electronics store and buy a Canon camera. No more JVC. Let's get this class
action thing going.

-- Sad Filmmaker (, October 01, 2003.


I have a GR-DVL300 which I purchased new in Sept 2000. During this time I
have used a total of four TDK tapes, one panasonic and two JVC's. Then in
Sept 2003 when I bought my first Sony tape. Half way through the Sony (and
while at dreamworld on the Gold Coast near Brisbane in the land of Oz), I
got the dirty tape message followed by E04 error. After reading the above
posts, I feel the problem with the E04 error is due to the tape (Crappy
Sony). Seems the Sony tapes internals locked (the lever in the tape body
that unlocks the tape reals when is pushed in by the camcorder during
loading is not as well made on the Sony tape compared to others)and
consequently the tape jammed. I was not able to tape for the rest of the day
even though I had a spare panasonic tape handy.
After a few days I mamanged to get the camcorder going with the panasonic
tape and then the Sony tape after manually winding it on for a few turns.

JCV must be sensitive with tape brands. Stay away from Sony tapes + JVC
camcorders. My next camcorder will probably not be a JVC. However I not too
crash hot on Sony if their tapes are of poor quality. I will do some
checking on the net before I buy my next camcorder

-- Jacques du Preez (, October 02, 2003.


I just did some more searching and found this article which suggests the
JCV problem may be caused in part by the wet lubricant on Sony tapes (only
on Sony tapes)

So stick to one brand of tape (or dry tape if you own a JVC)

-- Jacques (, October 02, 2003.


E04 error constantly on brand new tapes....then I found this site and as
per one suggestion above I tapped the side of the camcorder about 6 times
(not too hard - just a firm tap) ....amazingly it worked !!! bizarre !

-- dave r (, October 08, 2003.


Sorry, no answer, just another disappointed customer with an "EO3" error.
I will try some of the suggestions posted here and post another reply if any

-- (, October 13, 2003.


GR-DVM90, Same Crap! E04 Safeguard Mode! IF there is a Class action suit I
want in! What a complete waste of 1000.00 worked for a year and then this
crap! It's now a $1000.00 digital still camera, because that's the only
thing that still works correctly. After using some of JVD audio products
with no problem I bought this camcorder, and then getting this camera I am
shocked that a company like JVC would put out such bad quality products.
JVC, never again.

-- Brett Hooper (, October 17, 2003.


OK, I have read over and over the same problems. First let me tell you
that I teach underwater videography and areobatics photography and put the
JVC Cameras thru things you would never dream of. About the error messages.
They are there to tell you that something is wrong. Many times the error
messages report that the camera is malfunctioning when in fact it is the
tape that is messing up. Let me ask you this, are you always closing the
mechanism where it says to press or are you pressing anywhere? If you press
any other place that the marked spot you run the risk of bending the tape
mechanisim. If bent the tape will not load properly! By the way there is no
battery safe guard mode. Read it again! It says in safe guard mode! Any
Qualified repair shop knows that there is a way to reset the camcorder back
to the factory setting. I read at least one post that said a repair man
schrugged and open the camcorder and reset it. It is a simple proceedure to
do. As for the tape head warning I can assure you that is has nothing to do
at all with (lube) on the tapes. Every manufacutrer has what is called an
error signiature on the tapes they make. This signiature is is messure by
drop outs on the tape. A cheap tape or damaged one will have a lot more drop
outs than a new one or better one. I can say that there are two particular
brands that have higher or different dropout rates than others. I cannot
give you then name because of legal issues. Let us just say that the main
tape begins with a T.If you want to use cheap tape then please send the tape
in along with the camcorder and they can adjust the JVC to work on that
brand of tape! Dew warnings are there so that the camcorder does not burn
up. When a camcorder has been in an airconditioned place or goes thru a
rapid temp change there is always a possiblity for the temp difference to
cause a dew warning. If you add the fact that the DA and AD converters
inside produce heat then you further complicate the problem. One suggestion
is to let the camcorder come up to the outside temp before trying to use it.
Take this little mental test for just one moment, If the drink you are
holding at the place you are going to video tape is sweating on the outside
of the glass then humidty can be a problem. The glass represents the inside
of the camcorder being cold and the water that gathers on the outside of the
glass is what could gather on the inside of the camcorde causing an
electrical short and totally destroying the camcorder. Should the dew
warning appear open the camcorder and let it evaporate. If you are where you
have access to a hair dryer then use it to warm the inside of the camcorder.
In closing as I would like to point out that every camcorder has the same
problems (not just JVC). You may not get the same error messages or you may
not get one at all because the manufacturer has not included the message
sensor to help the repairman find the problem. All camcorders from all
companies have these issues.I know that sounds like a bad excuse but I
assure you that I agree with you that if it is your hard earned money that
has stoped working that no matter the brand it sucks. Thanks for giving me
the time to explain some of the issues. Oh and if you call the JVC 800
number that is really not for service advice. Please call the JVC branch
nearest you and get the straight word on what is going on.

-- John Hinerman (, October 20, 2003.


Camcorder GR-DVL510U here.... same story. The infamous E04 code appears
very often. In a lot of cases, after the error appeared and the camera
starts "working" again, the video is choppy and there is no sound!!!
Include my name also for the class action lawsuit....

-- Alejandro Ruiz (, October 21, 2003.


I have been watching all the posts on various sites about the problems
that people have been having in regards to error codes on their JVC
Camcorders. I have posted some myself. I have a GRDVM90U that I have been
very careful in using the same brand tape, "Panasonic" have rewound the
tapes in a rewinder before use and have cleaned the heads with a Panasonic
cleaner when needed. I still get the E04 Error quite often. It seems to
happen more when removing and inserting a tape. It does sometimes happen
when I start the machine to camera mode. I believe that it is a poor
connection somewhere in the drum servo control section. The drum motor spins
up much higher than the normal speed and the camera senses this which causes
the E04 error. I have been able to catch this before the code is sent by
listening to the drum motor as the unit it booted up. If I hear that it is
starting to spin too high, I tap the camera on the tape side till I hear the
motor return to normal speed. So far I have used the camera for two years
sucessfully using this method. I do have the service manual and will take it
apart to try and find what is the problem. Has anyone had luck in
pinpointing the problem with this camera? Thank You!

-- William Boehly (, October 22, 2003.


Not an answer, Just another really pissed JVC victim. What horrible
workmanship! My gr-dvm70 just drops parts off for no reason at all. All the
connector covers and the selecter wheel just fell off. I took very good care
of it. After all it cost me $1300. JVC pretends they never have any
complaints but we know better. CLASS ACTION!!!

-- jerry mcmillan (, October 24, 2003.


Not an answer. I was thinking about buying a JVC camcorder, but after
reading all your problems, I will stay away from JVC. Just want to let you
know that all your postings do have impact on the JVC sales!

-- H Wong (, October 28, 2003.


My Mamma alway said.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dont' buy JVC
And when your ready to get screwed always use a CONDOM.

JVC is LIKE AIDS. So someone find a cure for that!

-- not important (, October 28, 2003.


Para los que habla espanol que localizen facilmente esta pagina: NO
mas de la lista. Un amigo.

-- JGL (, October 29, 2003.


i started to experience all the things everyone on this board is talking
about.... garbled video, head clog message and finally an E03 error. after
alot of troubleshooting i solved all my problems. problems were due to:
using sony tapes then switching to crappy TDK tapes weak batteries

it took several tape cleanings and a couple of times through good clean
JVC tapes to get rid of the head clog errors and bad video and I also
realized that the batteries I was using on my dvm96 were not carrying enough
voltage to the camera. do not let your Li-Ion batteries run all the way down
before charging and do not charge them fully and let them sit idle. both of
these things kill these types of batteries.

new batteries, several tape head cleanings, and good JVC brand tapes have
solved all of my problems.

-- jey jey (j...@jey.jey), October 29, 2003.


I have a different problem. The no cassette Icon flashes in the view
finder even though there is a tape inside of the camera.

-- cynthia (, October 29, 2003.


I have a GR-DVL805 that gives me tons of problems. I get the E04 message
along with the requires head cleaning. I love spending all this money and
then having to "tap" on the side to get it to work. I am having my first
child in 6 weeks and I am thinking about buying a new camcorder before the
baby comes. If I take this piece of junk to the hospital and I get an error
message I will throw this thing against the wall. Please put me in the class
action suit. Thanks, Franco

-- Franco Antidormi (, October 29, 2003.


Im one more sucker that bought a GR-DVL300. I hhave the error-01 safe
guard mode message. My little girl is growing and the piece of junk JVC will
not work.....I will share my story with evevryone I know and keep them from
making my mistake....anyone have any fixes please e- mail.

-- Jesse (, October 29, 2003.



-- ! (, November 04, 2003.


I have read every response to the original question. I have personally
owned a GR-DVL505U camcorder for 3 years. I have only used JVC tapes. Yes
they are expensive but most of you as you say have used your hard earned
money to purchase these "expensive" pieces of equipment. Why then would you
want to put the cheapest quality tapes in your expensive equipment? People
are so driven by the best discounted price on tapes or how many can we get
for $5.00 bucks we fail to remember that crappy accessories don't make good
equipment run right. How many of you have discussed your problem with a JVC
representative in a timely manner? Don't you realize that some of you are
saying you have had your cameras 2-5 years with no problems and now you have
one problem you see negative comments and assume your situation is exactly
the same? Now all of a sudden JVC sucks and you will never buy it again? If
you camcorder sucked, it would not have lasted you 1 minute much less
several years. Most of the models listed on this site are 1999 to 2000 model
or earlier model camcorders. I know because I monitor JVC products for my
friends and family who also own allot of JVC products with no problems.
In addition, buy extended warranties no matter what brand camcorder you
purchase. Think of it as a "medical policy" for your product. Protect your
investment. If you think Sony or any other brand does not break down, your
un-realistic. Most companies have service centers because (THINGS FAIL).
Communicate with the manufacturer the first sign of a problem don't wait.
All companies have the same warranties 1 year parts/90 days labor. Don't
wait a year or two to say something if you are having a problem. You cannot
expect a manufacturer to hand you a free repair forever or because you have
used it 3 times in two years.

Remember, all tapes are not created equal. If you are knowledgeable that
certain tapes like TDK and Maxell are not working great then don't use them.
You have control over your decisions. If you decide to use them and not JVC
or like quality tapes like Panasonic tapes, then you just might miss that
special moment. All my moments are captured and with great quality on JVC



Happy Customer

-- Happy with JVC (, November 07, 2003.


Happy Customer must work for JVC.
I have always used JVC tapes, and have had a terrible EO3 problem.

You are right about one think, Happy Customer, if you buy a JVC product, a
long term warranty at extra expense is a must.


-- Michael Ronan (, November 08, 2003.


What model do you have? Did you ever have your camcorder checked by JVC
from the first sign of a problem. If so, what did JVC say?

-- S. Esponde (, November 08, 2003.


Dear JVC customers,
I am sorry to see so many unhappy customers, but I think I may be able to
help most of you in one way or the other. Please understand the only way JVC
can help is to contact us. Every customers situation is different and I will
listen to your specific situation and try to come up with a resolution.

I recently ran across this site and welcome anyone to contact me if they
have a service questions. My e-mail is I am in the
Houston,Texas Factory Service Center.

My job is to assist our customers, so please let me assist you. All I can
do is try to make things better for you.

If you e-mail me, please let me know if you got my contact info off this

Stacy Sample Service Coordinator JVC Factory Service Center

-- Stacy Sample (, November 08, 2003.


JVC is a suck! I got my DVM90 two months ago. Just two days late I got
everything you guys mentioned. Also, sometimes u taping something and
everything is normal, timecode is running, you think is recording everything
to the tape, but when you playback, there is nothing, so you are going to
kill youself. Even so I still use it every day. I found out how to deal with
it. -----The most important is THE TAPE IS NOT IN THE RIGHT
POSITION. ---- 1. Never mind what brand tape you use. Don't think jvc would
do anything better. 2. If you see "E04....", turn unit power off, take out
the tape and reinsert. sometimes u need tap it a little bit. 3. If "clean
the head....", same way as above. 4. Whenever u want to tape, do a blank
search ( you have to set the time code on, of cause, the you have taped a
little bit thing in it), if you see the time code is running, then the tape
is in correct track. then change the switch to camera to begin tape things
and ensure u got what u want is there. i wish this will help.

-- Ken (, November 09, 2003.


Hello Ken,
If you got the camcorder 2 months ago, present your proof of purchase from
your dealer to your nearest JVC Factory Service Center for a repair. What
you are going thru can be evaluated. Just being upset when you are in
warranty is not needed. You have a 1 year parts/90 days labor warranty if
purchased new and a 90 day parts/30 days labor warranty if you purchased a
refurbished item.

I am also interested in where you purchased your camcorder. The GR- DVM90
camcorder was made in the 2000 model year, so it is 3+ years old now. You
don't find too many of these being sold anylonger by dealers due to its age.
Did you purchase it from an individual or a dealer? I urge you to use your
warranty if you did indeed purchase it from a dealer. Your user manual
should direct you to the nearest Factory Service Center or you are welcome
to contact me at my e-mail address.

I hope this helps you.


-- Stacy Sample (, November 10, 2003.


More Links here.


-- Ken (, November 10, 2003.


Subject: JVC DVL-505 is a piece
Have owned for about two years - has given me trouble most of that time.
Had "Use Cleaning Cassette" error message about 3 months into ownership.
Have also had the 03 and 04 errors. Somehow, always found a way around these
problems and they seemed to magically disappear for months at a time - only
to reappear at inconvenient times, like when my son was riding a bike for
the first time, etc. Frustrating.

Latest problem is that we got it out of our camera bag to take video a
couple days ago - camera turned on, viewfinder works, tape rewinds and
fast-forwards, record light comes on, but nothing goes on the tape when you
record. Also won't play tapes that have footage on them.

Have to be honest - have had JVC products in the past and generally have
been satisfied with the quality - especially for the price. This camera,
however, has changed all that. My brother in law has the exact same camera
and is a semi-professional videographer - he had similar problems and he
takes very good care of his camera. I think my days of buying JVC (at least
DV-cams) are over.

Good luck, Stinky

-- Stinky (, November 12, 2003.


Have you ever contacted JVC on your problem? Before you make your decision
on JVC, give us a chance to see what the problem is. If your camcorder was
truly defective, I doubt it would be as intermittent as you say it is. It
very well could be certain tapes you are using at certain times. IF a tape
is defective, the camera will not responde properly. Don't assume it is
always the camcorder, it might be and it might not be.

If you wish to contact me, we can discuss your personal situation and see
if we can get you up and running. I welcome your communication, my e-mail is

Take Care!

Stacy Sample Service Coordinator

-- Stacy (, November 12, 2003.


The answer is...DONT BUY any JVC Camcorders next time.. better yet, don't
buy ANY JVC equipment until a RECALL of these defective units is done....
I used my GR-DVX9EA for just a couple of months and according to the
SPECS...and yet i got this error. I AM SO PISSED OFF!!!

I have a new sony DVD camera right now.

-- SCOTT MAKINLEY (, November 14, 2003.


Hi I am Chris I am the lucky owner of two JVC GR-DVL510 Mini DV units the
firs one is excellent the other WELLLL. The unit has been in several times
for cleaning but no luck I keep getting the HEAD CLEANING REQUIRED MESSAGE!
Just got back from Niagra Falls sure glad I had my old unit this new unit
was exchanged for a new unit two days after purchase I have always used JVC
tapes and nothing else. I have decided nothing to lose and I am going in the
service tech I just got it back from told me to toss it. I am to tight to do
that I E-mailed that Stacs Sample person we will see if JVC is concerned
about their customers I have a good feeling CAUSE I WILL send an E-mail very
day untill I get the info I reqiure to fix this problem. There is no sence
being all suckkkkey lets get the info on how to service this thing properly
and get at her. I am sick of this it's the other guys problem world. Good
luck on your problems. Chris

-- Chris ledingham (, November 17, 2003.


Hey All,
I, too, am having problems with my JVC camera - an older GR-DVF-21. I
found this site Googling the error code, and also found Stacy Sample's email
address. So I emailed her, and she was most helpful with giving me
information. I even teased her about the deluge of email I expected her to
get from this, and she took it in good spirit. So I would highly recommend
emailing her your questions.

-- Shawn (, November 18, 2003.


No answers, Just another problem! My lcd viewfinder won't go back to
displaying the image the right way up after flipping it over to use in
mirror mode (when you can film yourself & see the display). Now, unless I
use the small viewfinder & walk about with one eye closed, I can only look
at an upside-down version of what I'm filming. I'd be grateful for any
suggestions (that don't involve buying sony, cos I'm broke) Cheers

-- Craig Robertson (, November 19, 2003.


E05 error, battery not working more than 3 minutes, red playback on the
tapes. Is there any way to make jvc take notice? Paid way too much for the
camera too.

-- Theresa Hoskins (, November 19, 2003.


Another sucker, first it was the tape head needs to be cleaned and now the
E04 error. I was this close to buying a panasonic.

-- tony scorcia (, November 21, 2003.


GR-DVL805/505 E04 problem: I have had the E04 message for about 8 months
after owning the camera for almost 3 yrs. A conversation with a JVC repair
shop says it's a mechanical (as opposed to electrical) malfunction. I began
examining the internal parts and discovered that the piece that displays the
most movement is the cassette carriage (the piece that you load the cassette
into which then retracts into the body of the camera and receives the tape
head). After gently giving the cassette carriage a wiggle from side to side
and forward and back I reinserted the cassette and have had no problems
since. This also may account for why banging the side of thing gets it to
work briefly. It has only been a week but that is better than the last 8
months though I don't think this is a permanent fix. There may be an
adjustment internally that realigns the cassette carriage with the tape
head. Let me know if this works for anyone.

-- DV Hoy (, November 26, 2003.


I am receiving the E06 warning indication: error: "Remove & reattach
battery. But, after I removed the battery & waited (1 hour ) still getting
the warning. Do you have an idea what is wrong. The unit was working fine a
few minutes earlier.

-- Dennis (, December 01, 2003.


Thanks folks. I saw a pretty model Gr-dvm80u for a nice price and thought
one more day wouldn't hurt while I researched the product. I can't remember
if I saw the gr-dvm80 discussed but I read through all the e-mails and think
I don't want to take a chance. I am in sympathy with all your troubles but
just wanted to express my gratitude for your open and passive comments. I
think I will research different camera lines to replace my old but reliable
cam I bought some 14 years ago. Well, thanks again and good luck with the
representative from JVC. Del

-- Del J ried (, December 02, 2003.


Have anyone had problems with MiniDV videokamera JVC GR-DVL367? I have it
now for 1 year, and it's working well; I use Maxell tapes. Thanks.

-- Johnny (, December 04, 2003.


For all of you frustrated with JVC gear and conflicting advice, I'd
recommend that you take up Stacy Sample (the JVC service rep who posted
above) on her offer of direct assistance. Her email is
I just went through a round of emails with her and she was quick,
knowledgable and helpful in coming up with a possible solution and arranging
for a repair. It might still cost a bit for the work, but you'll at least
feel confident that it's going to pay off.


-- Chris Anderson (, December 08, 2003.


What is happening? There are hundreds of folks out there with the same
problem and we are not doing anything about it? Is there not a Lawyer among
us? JVC gear is not suppose to suck like this.

-- craig wade (, December 11, 2003.


Add another one to the list, my JVC (after appearing the Exx errors) has
mutted for ever, also using sony tapes so take care and avoid buying this
shitty camera

-- pix_ (, December 12, 2003.


Remember all, I am available for any questions you may have on your
camcorders. I have helped many people so far. Not everyone has needed
service to resolve their problem. You're problem may be simple and it may
not...but let's find out for sure.
Please allow me to assist you before you give up on your product.

Stacy Sample Service Coordinator

-- Stacy Sample (, December 12, 2003.


I don't have any answer, I am just one of the VICTIM who bought a JVC
DVM90 and have all sort of problems. :(
Any class action law suit against JVC?


-- Alan Su (, December 12, 2003.


I had the very same problem with my GR-DVM90. I paid $200.00 to this
service tech, got the camera back home and it worked a whopping 20 minutes
before the exact same error code came back up and went into safeguard mode.
Well, I took it right back to the tech and he had it for almost two months
(he claimed he was waiting on a part from JVC). I just got it back last
night. It works like new right now but I haven't tested it fully yet. I
think I should sell it right now while it's working and let the next sucker
have it,lol.

-- JP (, December 16, 2003.


I had the very same problem. My wife and I were on our vacation with our
daughter Sierra who's 11 months old. She's been showing signs all night of
Walking for the first time. I've had the camera out all night with no
problem. My Daughter takes her first steps and I press the on button to
record.....and this error "UNIT IN SAFEGAURD MODE" - "REMOVE AND REATTACH
THE BATTERY" One of the reason's I purchased this camera was to record
special events such as this and instead I've lost my daughters first steps
forever. I want to sue this company.

-- Lance Hollandsworth (, December 17, 2003.


I have a JVC GR-DVM80U digital camcorder that has been giving me various
error messages and head cleaning messages for two years now. I've posted
here before, but last night was the last straw for me.
My daughter played in a school Christmas concert last night and I lost yet
another one of life's precious memories. During the space of half an hour
the camera gave me three "head cleaning messages" and several error message.
I cleaned the heads (with a JVC head cleaning tape), I removed the battery
several times, I tapped, I jiggled, I prayed, but the camera failed to
record most of her performance. And to top it all off, the bits that I did
manage to record were so garbled during playback, that they weren't worth

I was using a new JVC tape, a new fully charged battery, and I had run the
head cleaning cassette before we left for the concert, but still, nothing
but grief and dissappointment.

I am very frustrated and angry with JVC. This camera cost me $1300. It
worked reasonably well for the first year, then it started to go down hill
from there.

I have emailed JVC US and Canada several times, but still no response. I
have visited several JVC repair centers, but they claim they have never
heard of the problems I'm having.

At the very minimum, JVC should offer to buy these defective cameras back
from us, exchange them for something that works, or at least give us
vouchers for some free JVC service.

-- Brian Carty (, December 17, 2003.


No Answers... Just another unsatisfied JVC user. I have had this camcorder
about a year and a half GRDVL210U. I has eaten a few tapes along the way,
but today I taped my daughters xmas play. Tonight we started watching it
and, as it ate the tape, the eo3 error popped up. I cleaned the heads, took
out the bad part of tape, spliced it, and it ate it again. Took batt. off,
cleaned it, put in new tape, and it ate that one too. VERY disappointed. I
think it's time to spend a few more dollars and get a far superior SONY!

-- Tom Emmendorfer (, December 19, 2003.


Now that I've gotten my frustration out, I have taken the time to email
JVC. Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh about the SONY remark. Let's see
how they handle it and I'll post again after that. I was mistaken on how
long I owned it. It has been 14 months.

-- Tom Emmendorfer (, December 20, 2003.


GR-DVM90 This camcorder was purchased 3years ago this week and I started
getting the "battery in safeguard mode" E04 error message soon after
purchase and always thought it had to do with humidity/condensation problems
if I took it outside in temp. extremes. The problem has steadily become
worse. I just started looking last week for a JVC service center to take it
to, although I guess the closest one to me is Houston. It doesn't sound like
anyone has had much luck with "mom and pop"camera repair shop work. After
reading some of these posts I am going to try the genuine JVC head cleaner,
JVC tapes and new JVC battery - total spent about $110.00. I'll email stacy
above after trying these out this weekend (no camcorder for xmas)and see
what ideas she may have but I'm not spending hundreds of $$ for repairs that
don't work. This is the first and only JVC product I've owned and possibly
the last. If it is this tempermental with tape brand they should make that
very clear in the documentation when purchased.

-- Bob Donovan (, December 23, 2003.


Hi everyone, I have recently purchased a JVC GR-D21EK digi. vid. cam.
However, fortunately I have not had the same misfortune that some of you
have had. BUT, I must say, the quality of the JVC is no comparison yo the
Cannon. I am a law graduate and I will be practicing very shortly....SO if I
get any problems with this item I will make it my personal goal to pursue
JVC with all my energy. PS. If any of you need any legal advice just post it
on here.

-- NEDGE (NED...@AOL.COM), December 25, 2003.


I rented a jvc camcorder mod. #grsxm740u from RENT-A-CENTER, INC. in
tupelo,ms. on fri. dec. 19-03 to use on christmas day,guest what i turned it
on it would not work message kept showing E04 ERRoR Battery in safegaurd
mode, O how embarrassed i was all the family were here and the grands also,
i will never buy or rent a jvc product again.

-- vurel l. mabry sr. (, December 25, 2003.


I MIGHT HAVE THE ANSWER YOU NEED!!!!!!!!! Upon getting our usually perfect
acting camcorder ready to record our family open our Christmas gifts this
morning... A blue screen of death appeared. Reading: ERO4 Camera in
safeguard mode, remove and replace battery... the same problem as most of
you... WELL... upon getting very frustrated, and upset.. I FOUND A WAY TO
FIX OURS, AND IT IS NOW WORKING PERFECTLY!!!! Right as we would turn it into
M mode (manual I believe..?)... the mode where it records... anyways.. that
is when we would get the error.. but RIGHT before that would happen.. it
would seemingly be working for about 1 second. I thought perhaps you could
try to eject the tape in this short window of time. As soon as you remove
the battery (or unplug the power cord), and plug it back in, be pushing the
eject button at the same time (after you've turned it to the M mode) and
PRESTO.. it should eject.. we found out our problem was that it had started
to eat the tape. We simply pulled it all out, popped in a new vhs-c, and
MERRY Christmas!!

Please email me and let me know if this helped you!!

-- Tabitha Greer (, December 25, 2003.


Ihave a gr-d90u with a CONDENSATION PAUSE prompt any solutions? This is my
second JVC and my last.


-- thomas barr (, December 25, 2003.


I have a JVC GR-DVM90, i went to the moster truck show with my kids got
home and the JVC wouldnt power up at all. I charged the battery again and
hooked it up to the power cord and it wont power up or ejectthe tape. It
sems its not getting any juice. Please help

-- Andre Brewer (, December 25, 2003.


Mine is a JVC9800EA (i.e. PAL) and had the E04 message after the unit had
beed dropped. After reading this and other forums a firm whack just over the
recording head w/o tape loaded and battery connected - This will work if the
problem is because of servo sensor problem in the camera. (thanks Anil)

-- Mark Harrison (, December 25, 2003.


JVC DVL505 and the infamous E04 Unit in safeguard mode. I've had this a
few times and been able to work around it most times so far. First few
times, it was a combination of unplugging/replugging the power cord/battery
(sorry for the vagueness of this resolution) but more recently, we were able
to get the tape to eject (as noted a few responses above) and made sure we
inserted a JVC tape (the tape that was causing us grief was a Panasonic -
however, we had tried switching tapes one previous time with no success). So
far so good (until next time :-(. I found one of the triggers for this
problem seems to be going from Play to Auto/Manual without pausing at Off
first. My brother found that switching between digital and video with the
power on also causes this problem - then again, it might be just
coincidence. I wish you luck and patience (maybe I can purchase some of that
on Ebay!) with your device! Valérie

-- Valérie (, December 25, 2003.


I am not in the office for the holidays but I am monitoring the forum.
I have a response to Thomas on his condensation error.

Thomas, when the error occured, had you by chance been in a warm
environment and went into a cold one or visa-versa? Think back to the
environment you were in. Our camcorders are made to let you know that
moisture is building inside the unit and it will communicate with you with
the icon.

I am sure you understand that moisture and electricity don't mix very
well. The camcorder will shut down on you if the icon comes up. Sometimes
you have to acclimate the unit to the environments you are in. Here is a
thought...have you ever had your glasses fog up or has your windshield ever
fogged up? That is moisture building up due to warm and cold air mixing. The
moisture can build in a camcorder with metal parts. This is a protection
device...not a deliberate hinderance to upset you.

If the icon appears again...remove the power source from the unit and
allow it to sit and air out. Use a blow dryer on it if available. Try it
then and see if that helps.

Take Care.

-- Stacy Sample (, December 25, 2003.


This response is for Mr. Mabry.
I am sorry sir if you had a problem with the VHS camcorder. My concern is
that your situation is with product that has been used/rented/handled by
several other poeple prior to you. Most product that is sold usually has one
owner and therefore the owner has control over the handling of the product
from day one as well as control over service issues. The problems you have
had may have manifested prior to your rental of this piece of equipment by
another renter/handler which may not have been handled or serviced properly.

Since I cannot assist you as the owner of the unit, I wanted a chance to
have this situation seen from both angles and hope you do not base your sole
opinion on this experience.

The information available on this site is not always correct and or
written in anger. I am available to assist anyone who wants the truth on
what they are experiencing, troubleshooting if applicable and options that
are available. Again, all people have to do is ask instead of assume.

I am sorry if this experience has left you with a bad taste in your mouth
about our company. I hope that will change somehow in the future. Take care
and feel free to contact me with any questions you may ever have.

-- Stacy Sample (, December 25, 2003.


i have the same JVC compact camcorder. Same problem. Battery in safeguard
mode. This happened in the summer. It was great and i stored it properly and
one day i went to film something inside and i got the dreaded message. Now
it wont stay on for more then 3 seconds before fliping to that error. Ive
tryed everythign. New tape, battery and the tappping. Nothing worked. Sign
me up. This camera is a waiste

-- Eric Wilson (, December 28, 2003.


Wow... I knew from searching on the internet that the JVC "Safeguard Mode"
issue was out there but I had no idea it was this common. I TOO... Have the
error!!! I have the JVC DVL300 Camcorder and I only used it for maybe 18
months (15+ times) before it gave me this error. I purchased a new camcorder
last week (not a JVC) and decided to get the extended warranty this time. It
cost an extra $150.00 but at least I will have a camcorder for the next five
years and I won't have to spend more money to fix odd error messages. JVC
really needs to take action on this issue. I loved my camcorder. In fact, I
would have got one exactly like it if JVC would have recalled the product
and fixed the issue. Since JVC does not stand by there product. I have lost
all confidence in their products/service/support. I will never buy a JVC
product again.

-- Lucinda Hayes (, December 29, 2003.



I saw your posting and had to respond. May I ask if you ever contact JVC
to see if you could troubleshoot your problem? If so, who did you call and
what did they say? Believe it or not, it may not be your camcorder.

What brand tapes were you using in your camcorder when the problem
occured? A bad tape or tapes can cause the "safeguard mode" to engage. You
said you had it for quite awhile before it failed. Mechanical or electrical
issues can arise with any electronic product. Let me explain more on

The "safeguard mode" is engineered into every camcorder JVC has ever made.
It is put there to communicate to the owner that it is sensing a problem.
Finding out what made the icon appear is the next step. You may or may not
have a real problem or even a very big problem. The assumption that
"Safeguard" is a huge problem that JVC has with their product is not a
correct assumption. Since JVC has sold millions of camcorders for years and
all of them have this icon.odds are good that some of those will get the
safeguard icon if a problem occurs in the unit. "Safeguard" is just what it
means. When this icon appears the unit will shut down and not allow the
customer to use it until the problem is found. If this icon did not come up,
then the customer would continue to use the product and possibly cause more
problems or damage it further. This icon is not put there to annoy you but
to notify you there is a problem..just like a child running a
would not know they are sick until you felt their forehead or if they told
you. Communication is key and that is what "safeguard" mode

Let's chat a bit about your problem and find out if your camcorder indeed
has a problem. Maybe it will be a simple fix..maybe not..but we will know
for sure.

-- Stacy Sample (, December 29, 2003.


I have a JVC GRD-90U. I bought it in June 2003 and like everyone above
with the same model, my camera won't start up. I changed the battery and
tried to recharge it, but there isn't any power to it. The red light won't
go on when it is plugged. I have gone to Best Buy and used their power
outlet and it doesn't work either. Because of the holidays, the JVC
authorized service centers are closed. Does anyone have any suggestions or
know what the problem is? I am leaving for Europe in a few weeks and I don't
have time to leave it with someone. Thanks.

-- Katherine (, December 30, 2003.


I am having problems with my DVL720 I just inherited the camera from a
cousin they had it for a year. the first 4 times that I used it it worked
fine. I now wne t to use it and it is giving me the E04 message. I am trying
to Eject the tape, but nothing happens. I take the battery off, then put it
back on an open the door to eject the tape and nothing. then I try to turn
it on and do the same, and still nothing. any suggestions. I am hoping to
get the tape out and put in a different one. I am using JVC tapes and there
is no movement when I try to eject the tape

-- Nathan Hammersley (, December 30, 2003.


Good that JVC is monitoring the forum. Maybe JVC should consodidate the
whole lot into a FAQ.
If it is the design fault admit it.. everybody made mistake don't we? As
consumers we want the true and immdeiate action taken to retified the faults
as it is very frustrating to have a defective product when you need to use
it. At time it can be very embrassing.

Yap TS

-- TS Yap (, December 30, 2003.


I have no answers but I also happen to be one of the suckers who bought
JVC aganist popular advice.
I have GR-DVF21U which has been giving me E03 problem for little over an
year now. I exchanged quite a few emails with Stacy Sample, service
coordinator, JVC and this is her final response,


I am sorry you feel the way you do. There is no conspiracy against our
customers and there are no tricks up our sleeves. You have a consumer
electronic piece of equipment. Anything can have a problem at any time. Any
company, even Sony has service issues arise. My boss was with Sony for 18
years and in the service department, he said they had different things come
up with their product too and customers faced service decisions as well. To
think that your friend's camcorders may never need service is unreasonable.
JVC remains in the top three of consumer products consistently. I have many
customers who never have had problems and love their product and I have
customers that have had service issues who still love their product.

As far as mentioning not leaving the tape in the camcorder is a suggestion
that may potentially keep someone from having a problem. It is not a
rule..but a suggestion.

Using Panasonic or JVC tapes is fine.again not a rule but a suggestion.
All I am trying to do is help people troubleshoot their problems. Some
people never need repair or service and some do. Some people have changed
tape brands and had no further problems.

Service on digital equipment is going to be over $50.00. You cannot even
service a VHS camcorder for $50.00. IF that is more than you wish to spend
you may wish to buy a new camcorder. I do suggest. regardless of brand you
buy.purchase an extended warranty. If you don't want worries on service, get
a 4-5 year extended warranty with your product. Most companies have the 1
year parts 90 days labor (standard) warranty.

Your camcorder is a 1999 model. It is 5 years old and you may wish to
upgrade to something new. There is a site called, they have great
prices on all brands. No matter which brand you purchase, don't overspend
your needs. Buy something you will use. If you only use the camcorder for
birthdays and holidays.don't spend allot of money one something. IF you will
use it allot and want to do fancy something that will do all the
things you want. Again..these are suggestions.

Puneet, I may not be able to make you feel different about our company but
I can educate you on things to help you in the future.

I hope whatever you decide to do work's out in your best interest and I
wish you and your family a wonderful New Year.

Take Care!

Bottom line is, folks, JVC seems like a company that does not care for the
customers and is not going to help unless it makes money in the process.

Here are my thoughts on what we can do (In no particular order),

1. Take up on Gurinder's suggestion and start a class action suit on JVC
for pedalling inferior quality products. 2. Send this site to the consumer
reports and magazines so they get a feel for what it is to be a JVC owner.
3. Contact consumer advocates and see if they can do something here. 4.
Advise friends and relatives aganist the pitfalls for owning JVC, regardless
how cheap the price is - because the prodct is cheap.

I am also open to other suggestions,


-- Puneet Jain (, December 31, 2003.


In response to Puneet and his feelings that JVC does not care. I spend as
much time as possible helping my customers on the phone, over the counter or
on line. Although I try, I cannot make everyone happy. I do all I can to
assist people so they do not have to spend money on a repair. The many
e-mails and troubleshooting issues he and I went thru apparently did not
help his 4+ year old camcorder. After inquiring on his operation of the
unit, I gave him some suggestions regarding operations to cut down on
potential problems.
I have helped most of my customers in the last 2 months since my first
posting. The small handfull that have had repairs have spent less than
$220.00 total if a repair was done. I have assisted over 40-50 people since
I have posted from all over the world. Most of them did not have a service
issue at all.

Again, I recommend anyone getting with me first before assuming they have
a problem. I welcome your questions anytime.

Stacy Sample Service Coordinator

Everyone have a safe and Happy New Year!

-- Stacy Sample (, December 31, 2003.


My offer of a free evaluation so I can test it myself and confirm if you
need service or not is still open. You never responded to my offer and I
wanted to make sure you still understand the offer is still on the table.
See e-mails below.

----- Original Message -----

From: Sample, Stacy

To: Puneet Jain

Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 11:15 AM

Subject: RE: Error EO3 with my camcorder

On the issue of leaving the tape boss who was with Sony Service for
18 years brought that issue to our attention, just as a helpful hint to tell
digital camcorder owners. He said that if that tape remains wound around the
metal in the unit for long periods of time, the temperature/humidity/weather
changes can cause the tape to stick to the metal. When the customer goes to
use it, the tape can hesitate/stick or even allow small shreds of the tape
material to come off onto the heads. This can cause the eating of tapes or
error icons to engage because the camcorder senses the problem.

We offer a 90 days parts and 30 days labor warranty from the shop. Keep in
mind that we do always consider past repairs and time frames if future
repairs are needed. We try to be as fair as possible in any repair we do.

Let me know what you wish to do. IF you want to send it to me, I can test
it at no charge to you first before logging it in for repair just to make
sure it needs it. We can go over service procedures if you are interested.

Stacy Sample

Service Coordinator

JVC Service & Engineering

10700 Hammerly, suite 110

Houston, Texas 77043

(713) 935-9331 Ext. 101

-----Original Message----- From: Puneet Jain
[] Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 9:52 AM
To: Sample, Stacy Subject: Re: Error EO3 with my camcorder

Hello Stacy

Wewere overseas during my daughters b'day last year and I had only one
tape with me at that time. It did not eat that tape at that time and even
now that tape shows EO3 but does not get stuck.

And yes, I did leave tape in the unit last year. As a matter of fact, I
always have. I do not remember reading any information in the user manuals
to the contrary.

Also, do you provide any warranties on the repair, should I ever need one.



-- Stacy Sample (, December 31, 2003.


hello. my name is bob liao.
well i just bought this new jvc dvl720u camcorder. i had it now for months
now and i only used it 10 times and it doesnt work now!!! im really upset at
it because when i bought it it cost me 780$ i never dropped it or never had
it get dirty. it still looks new and i want it to work like new. i contacted
jvc about this and they have given me a hassle so im trying my options. well
what happened was first the little screen came up error 2. and i wouldnt
take the tape. i had to take the battery out and retry it. then it worked.
well i recorded some stuff on it and after a while it came up error 2 and
1.... now it worked one more time after that. and now nothing!!!!! i open
the little door up to put in a tape and it pops up and then that dam error
thing comes up. so i take the battery out and put it back in with the little
door still open and it goes shut with out me pressing it in. so you know
what happends then. well the little thing i had to press in jams up because
you have to press it in then it is supose to go closed. well now that has
happened and i herd a gear noise. i think the gear is ok because it only
happened once. if there is any way you can tell me what this problem is and
how much it would cost to fix i would be very very happy!! i really need
some kinda estimate so i can save so i can send it out to you? if you have
any questions please email me!!!!

well this is what i just typed to a repair shop. if anyone could help me i
would be very happy. thanks to all

thanks bob liao

-- bob liao (, December 31, 2003.


Get with me Friday and well see what we can do for you. E-mail me at my
work address I am out for New Years but back Friday. Let me
know when you bought it and we'll chat. Take care! Stacy

-- Stacy Sample (, December 31, 2003.


I plugged in my gr-dvl510 this morning and got the E03 error. I really
hope this is not a serious error because I just bought a DVD writer to make
movies of my newborn daughter. If there is fix I hope someone comes up with
it quick!!

-- David Johnston (, January 01, 2004.


Same problem with JVC DVL805u. During recording, everything seems fine
(except some cleaning tape message from time to time) but when playing,
sometimes everything is fine for 10-15 minutes and then, the sound becomes
kind of metallic, going on and off. It had been fixed twice(free the first
time under warranty but it costs me $200 the last time). I really don't know
what to do with it. I thought I had bad luck when I purchased mine but it
seems to be a common problem among JVC camcorders. So, I will buy an other
camcorder. And never in my life, I will buy a JVC product again.

-- Cyril (, January 02, 2004.


Hello, I am from Germany.. I have the same problem, i bought the GR-
DVX9E. Sure, it was really expensive - and now I have the problem with the
error-messages and all the time the "use headcleaning .." it drives me

-- Ufuk A. (, January 02, 2004.


Let's hear it for Tracy.I went on line and found this site. I read it all
and decided to contact Stacy. I E-Mailed her at 2:00am and she responded
that morning.We went back & forth a couple of times and later that same day
the problem was solved.I have a DVL-520 it had bars on the LCD playback,the
head cleaning message came up. Using a cleaning cassette was all that was
needed but I was reluctant to use it without being reassured it would be
alright. She really wants to help,so why not take advantage of her
expertise.Prompt and efficient service is rare these days. Thank You, Stacy
Tom Kline

-- Tom Kline (, January 03, 2004.


I have the SOLUTION for my gr-dvx10. Well, when the camera show the error
"e04 unit is in safeguard mode, remove and reattach battery" you must to
turn off, and knocking with one finger on the side of the camera where are
the heads. The problem is the rotation speed of the head, when you knock it
the problem is result.
Sorry everyboby my english is very, very bad.


-- Joaquin (, January 03, 2004.


Try the following. It has worked for me and I hope this will work for you
too. Take out the battery. Tap strongly on the casing of camera near the
recording head. Replace the battery and pray GOD. This will work if the
problem is because of servo sensor problem in the camera.

-- Joaquin (, January 03, 2004.


About JVC Camera DVL-805U. I've been having the problem of E04 (Battery in
Safeguard Mode-Remove the Battery) on and off for nearly a year but I could
somehow to get by and use it. But until now I'm unable to use my camera
completely. I followed the instruction from this Post an Answer (Thanks
greatly for this helpful web site and the information provided from I tried to do some gentle tappings on the side of the
tape cover just for 5 minutes and somehow it happened to work again
perfectly. I don't know how long it's going to be working normally like
My recommendation is to be patient to find the way to fix it yourself.
It's not worth spending more than $100 for this camera and it might happen
again. Invest your money for new camera with flash card.

Good Luck!! -- (, Jan 2, 2004.

-- Phu T Vuong (, January 03, 2004.


An update on issue I posted earlier regarding my E03 error,
I purchased a new set of JVC tapes and then tapped strongly on the casing.
It has now started working again. I do not know what the heck was wrong and
what went right by tapping the sides.

Just to set the record straight, Stacy has in fact tried to be very
helpful but I guess she is limited to what she can offer which has to be in
JVC's policies and framework. That is what I have issue with - To pay and
get a digital camcorder fixed for about $220 sounds obscence when new
digital camcorders with better quality and reliability record than JVC can
be had for less than $400. And it more aggravating when the problems stem
from the underlying poor quality of the product.

Stacy, I think I am okay for now since it has started working again. I
will decide on your offer next time it breaks.

Thanks, Puneet

-- Puneet Jain (, January 05, 2004.


I agree Puneet on not spending too much on repairs. Some digital
camcorders can be replaced for as little as $280 and go up to over $1000,
depending on what you want in a model. That is where people have to
determine what is in their best or replacement.
Camcorders go down in price every year...all brands. If repairs are ever
needed, we try our hardest to keep it as economical for the customer. IF we
cannot, we are the first ones to urge them to buy new instead of invest in a
repair. We never want anyone to feel they are not spending their hard earned
money improperly.

Thanks for the update Puneet. I hope the unit continues to work good for
you and and you know where to find me if you need me.

Take care! :)

Stacy Sample Service Coordinator JVC Service & Engineering Houston, Texas

-- Stacy Sample (, January 05, 2004.


i had this same problem too.
E04 o a GR-DVL805

-- Matt (, January 07, 2004.


Hello everyone. I am Tamila. I had the same error messages "battery in
safeguard mode and head cleaning req." on my camcorder and finaly the casset
door stayed open and since then nothing works at all. To my openion the
program disk "if there is any" need to be reset. Because a while before the
whole system didn't get the order like it didn't STOP after FORWARD or PLAY.
Any help welcomes

-- Tamila (, January 07, 2004.


I have no answer. Sorry. I am also one of the VICTIMS who bought a JVC
DVM90 and have the same problem like everyone else. I think even the folks
from JVC (including Stacey) never buys their own product, because they know
it sucks.
Realistically speaking, nothing will happen with the class action lawsuit.
Let's just throw away this product (my precious $$$ will go down the tube)
and buy a different brand. I will NEVER EVER in my life buy another JVC
product what so ever.

-- Ashikur Khan (, January 09, 2004.


Mr. Kahn,
I am just curious, are you sure you have a problem with your camcorder or
are you assuming. I have helped so many people that most of them have not
had big problems or problems at all.

Actually I have 1 digital camcorder, 1 digital snapshot camera, 3 DVD
players and two VCR's....all JVC. I believe in our product very much and I
believe in the company. If I didn't...I would not work for them.

Let me know if you wish assistance as well.

-- Stacy Sample (, January 12, 2004.


Hi all, I've found this forum, whose topic is on the victims of the "unit
in safeguard mode" etc. I have a JVC gr-DVX10 camcorder, and I have this
problem too. At first, the problem seldom appeared, but now it is very
frequent. It appears mainly when I insert a new DV cassette in to the
camcorder. Now at 90% of cases and more, the notorious "safeguard mode -
detach the battery" appears. It is unbearable that a high-end consumer
camcorder such the GR-DVX10 is so unreliable. I miss almost all important
opportunities to record events with this camcorder... It seems to be a
severe design fault of practically all consumer JVC camcorders... Being the
defect intermittent, even if you spend hundreds of dollars to repair it, you
will neve be sure that one day this problem will raise again. I will never
buy a jvc camcorder, like many of you.

-- Gabriel Maldonado (, January 13, 2004.


E06 Error - Head is picking up (Sensing) a coating from the tape
Guys.... It's true about when you get the E06 error with the JVC camera...
All you have to do is tap on the camera..(Lightly) while initiating the
eject button. Works like a charm... I was about to send it in to get it
fixed for $50... I know I would of ending up paying at least $200.

After researching I think the Camcorder head was sensing a coating from
the particular camcoarder tape.. Whatever you do don't use SONY tapes.. they
don't seem to work very good.

Thanks God.. Now I can tape the rest of my child basketball games...

-- Denmeister_jacking_out (, January 13, 2004.


What tapes does anybody think is the best for JVC camcorders

-- Henry (, January 13, 2004.


The most compatible and user friendly tapes are JVC and Panasonic. I have
tested many camcorders over the last 4 years with other tapes customers send
in. Many, many times a camcorder can fail with some aftermarket tapes
horribly and after resetting the unit by removing and re-attaching the power
source, work flawlessly with my JVC test tape.
This info is very important for anyone to keep in mind. Most everyone in
this forum may not be open to this bit of information but taking the time to
give this a try as opposed to never using your product again because you
think it has a problem, may save people some grief.

I cannot make anyone do anything. This info is merely suggestions to
customers to try before giving up hope.

As always, I am available to assist anyone who may have a question. So
many names on this forum have yet to give me a try. I don't understand this
because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

-- Stacy Sample (, January 13, 2004.


I have to thank you all and especially you Stacy for taking care of the
troubled JVC customers here :) I thought I broke my girlfriends DV camera
(DVL100) when I started getting these E03 errormessages, and the camera
started "eating" my extracheap TDK tapes. It wasn't until the last message
from Stacy when I believed that the problem could be the tape and not the
camera. I found a Panasonic tape from my collection of old tapes, and tested
it after using a cleaning tape (TDK surprizingly). The thing started working
flawlessly :)
So everybody, ditch those cheap TDK tapes and use just a little more money
to buy tapes that JVC recommends you to use. I'll return all 10 tapes I
bought last weekend and will get 6 quality tapes instead.

Once more, thank you Stacy for giving me hope that JVC actually cares
about us.

-Kimi Niittyniemi (Finland)

-- Kimi Niittyniemi (, January 14, 2004.


Same problem as eveybody else with my JVC GR-DVM90U I been having this
problem for more than a year. Very frustrating when trying to tape some
special family event and the piece of garbage stops working. Yes it is true
that tapping and doing things here and there helps but does not solve the
problem and the problem is that JVC has been making and selling a faulty
camcoder and stealing the money from consumers. CLASS ACTION SUIT please
make me part of it. I finally bought one that works CANNON.

-- Joe (, January 14, 2004.


Being that I have found everyone is not having the same problem and you
did not specifically say which problem you were having, I am curious which
symptoms you are specifically experiencing. Also, which brand tapes have you
been using? You mentioned some of the things on the forum "here and there"
work but don't solve the problem. If the camcorder is truly defective it is
hard to believe it is working at all for you. Being this camcorder is 3
years old, let us determine if the camcorder is defective or the types of
tapes you are using. I have several people that are up and running after not
getting much use out of their camcorders for several years because the tapes
they had were not compatible. They did not get service...they got new tapes.
I am willing to assist you if you wish the help. Maybe it is a tape
problem...maybe a camcorder problem but don't you feel it is fair to find
out for sure. I welcome your correspondence. Take care!

Let me know.

-- Stacy Sample (, January 14, 2004.


Support Person (JVC - Stacy), In the first place, could you explain why
JVC made the JVC units with so many error codes that can happen... In
example, E01, Eo2, etc... ? For example, in reference to the tape eror..E03
or Eo6... is it because it was an early warning system letting people know
the tape would ruin the head or what? I think the general consensus of the
people's complaints here on this that JVC machine are setup w/
too many early sensing devices compaired to Sony or Cannon. If I was JVC
owner.. I wouldn't buy another JVC unit knowing about all these problems. I
own a Sony & it never gives me problems.. why is JVC engineering their units
like this.. I think it could be to make money off the customers with support
like you Stacy.. BUT, they better change thier way of doing things.. to me
it looks like grounds for a Class Action Suit. Billion Dollar figure...
Again, Cannon users, Sony users, Panasonic don't have this problem...

-- (, January 14, 2004.


You my friends are a AHole.. Stacey is trying toi freaking help us.. Stay
w/ Ur freeaking Sony products & let us pay the giurl some mula...$$$$

-- (, January 14, 2004.


To the contrary Kevin,
I am trying to keep people from having to spend money on repairs and I
have done so quite successfully by utilizing my knowledge and know how in
troubleshooting certain situations. Believe it or not, not all issues on
this forum are service issues. I cannot speak for the other companies you
mention but from what I know as fact. I do have two people who work at my
facility who both worked at Sony in the Service/Repair dept. One for 18
years and one for 5. They too as most companies also have service issues
arise and have to support their equipment. Unfortunately very few companies
have diret factory service available anymore, JVC is one of the few that

Error codes in our equipment are communication devises that notify the
customer that there is a problem being sensed by the unit. They direct the
consumer or technician (if necessary) on what to troubleshoot/repair (if
necessary) to eliminate the problem. If JVC did not engineer the codes into
the camcorder and your camcorder just stopped with no indications as to
why....then would that put you in a better position or would you still
question moreso on what to do next to fix your problem. At least these error
codes give you options that MAY keep you from having to ship it somewhere or
pay money to get the answer that you have no problem at all. At least you
could get this info for free by following the troubleshooting guide or
inquiring with someone like me who may be able to further assist you with
more details. If all troubleshooting options are exhausted...then service is

Again, anyone who has questions or concerns are always welcome to write door is always open. Take care! :)

-- Stacy Sample (, January 14, 2004.


I am very happy my posting helped you. That is my goal here, to give
quality information that people can, hopefully, use. You take care and write
me if you ever have a question.

Stacy Sample Service Coordinator

-- Stacy Sample (, January 14, 2004.


hello to all. well, what a day. i just found this site today and have read
every post made to it. i am the owner of a 3 year old jvc gr-dvm90u and i
too have some problems. i will e-mail stacey in the near future on
specifics, but some past posts cite similar "instances of unhappiness" that
i have experienced as well. it seems as though stacey is helping many of us
with our problems, but i noticed it has been repeated many times about using
jvc brand dv cassettes. that is fine from this point on, but will playing
back other brand tapes,which were previously recorded on this unit, hurt the
camcorder, or not play back properly? i have roughly 25 tapes of my son's
first 2 1/2 years archived for transfer to dvd in the future. will i
experience problems during transfer to my pc? if any one can help on that
question, i would appreciate it. thanks, brian

-- brian martin (, January 14, 2004.


sorry about spelling your name wrong stacy.

-- brian (, January 14, 2004.


Hi Brian,
You can play any tape you wish in your camcorder. My recommendation is
that if one starts giving you a problem, I would remove it and have that one
transferred professionally. Go ahead and transfer to DVD. As long as the
tape runs thru the camcorder fine...then you should be good to go. I look
forward to assisting you when you e-mail me at work. Thanks for writing.

-- Stacy Sample (, January 14, 2004.


Brian I understand Stacy is representing her company and trying to help,
but here we go again old tapes when tried to play have the problem and "sent
it to be professionaly transfered" meand spending more money thanks to JVC.
Sorry to be sarcastic but JVC is in big time problem because of this FLAW.

-- Joe (, January 15, 2004.


Mr. Cedeno,
I am sorry if you feel this is a way to make people spend more money. but
I was merely answering his question and suggesting that "IF" a tape becomes
symptomatic he may wish to have someone transfer it for him.

Everyones idea of a "special moment" is different and I would hate "IF" a
tape is symptomatic to continue to be used in the unit only to become
possibly stuck or damaged and the memory gone.

Your opinion that the JVC is flawed is not my opinion. After at least 90%
of all people I have helped from this site have yet to need service because
they changed tapes or operationally use their camcorder differently after we
corresponded. A "flaw" would not allow any tape to run at all regardles of
brand and my ideas and knowledge would not have made a difference in the
camcorder at all. Knowledge is power and simple things can fix big issues.

I don't expect to change everyones opinion and some don't want to change
their opinion no matter what...all I can do is help all that want to be
helped and be fair and honest to them. If I or JVC had anything to hide I
would not be taking as much time as I do to make sure someones problem can
be resolved and the information they receive is "correct".

As always...I welcome anyone to contact me for assistance.

Stacy Sample Service Coordinator JVC Houston

-- Stacy Sample (, January 15, 2004.


Knowledge is power and simple things can fix big issues. How to fix the
big issues with camcoders is not to buy JVC like I did, Thank you Stacy you
are doing a great job.

-- Joe (, January 15, 2004.


Mr. Cedeno,
You have yet to e-mail me and tell me what your exact problem is so I can
possibly assist as never know until you try. :)

-- Stacy Sample (, January 15, 2004.


If anyone has tried to e-mail e-mail has been down. Try again I
should be up and running now. :)

-- Stacy Sample (, January 20, 2004.


Okay I have a JVC GR-DVC90 and I had the same problem...sounds
a little old after reading all these responses...I can't believe so many
people have gotten this error what a piece! Anyway, I tried to record and I
got E03 with the "clean tape head" or "replace battery and reinsert" or "you
are in safe mode" rejection. So, I went out and bought a tape cleaner.
Pointless. Then I came to the internet and found this site. I looked at what
type of tape I was using and sure enough it was TDK. I have been using TDK
for like a year and it had been working fine...then all of the
sudden...error. SO, as soon as I put in a JVC tape it worked! It may be a
mixture of that and the tape cleaning thing, but neverless, it worked for
me. I guess I just have to stick to their brand tapes or my camcorder won't
work. Anyway, thought I would put my 2 cents in.

-- Kelly (, January 23, 2004.


I too have a DVL 20 that has now given up completely after 18 months E04
being the error, can eject tape but only after a few power ups. I will try a
few of the solutions but will not buy JVC again.

-- Russell Scaplehorn (, January 25, 2004.


I have the JVC GR-D70U. I've had it since May 2004

For some reason, I'm having problems charging the battery. I have the
camcorder plugged in, so it may charge.. and the red light blinks.. denoting
that it is "charging". I have left it "charge" for a couple hours and it
appears to be fully charge cause it stopped blinking. However, when I plug
it, it doesn't turn on. It's only working when it's plugged in.

Does anyone have any ideas on this? Is it just that the battery is
damaged? It really shouldn't be. I haven't had the battery for even a year,

-- Ted (, January 26, 2004.

Art Wakefield

Jan 30, 2004, 1:42:50 AM1/30/04
Propping it up on a tri-pod in the bedroom my be a good practical joke.
Take a snap of your wife's face as she walks in for the first time and sees
it. The look would be priceless. Then, if you have kids, take off any
loose or small pieces and let them use it for playtime. The whole family
gets a kick out of your dead camera.


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